Not A Chapter

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Hey guys. I know i haven't updated in a long time. And I thought it was because of writers block or whatever. But honestly, the fact of the matter is, I am no longer interested in Prince anymore.

I've already moved onto a new story that has nothing to do with the boys. I just haven't told you guys about it because I haven't published it yet. It's about BDSM. I figured it would be a lot easier for me to write about someone other the boys. The boys were just a super extended phase. Especially since they're no longer doing anything anymore. This way, I won't have to leave you guys out like this just because I lost interest in a character.

Whenever I try to write the stories for you guys sake, I just can't. I try so hard to write but I literally end up writing down useless information and nonsense. That's not fair to you guys. When I started off these stories, there was an initial total climax to all of them. And I wanted to get to that climax. But right now, its like...I know where I want to get but I just don't know how to get there.

My fanpage isn't even a fan page anymore. Like I completely just...I don't. I have too much going on in my life rn. Like, I'm trying to make sure my grades stay up, I'm trying to make sure I get my stuff together so I can go to a good college...I have 2 years until I graduate but I don't want to wait till the last minute to stress. Its just not for me. I find it a lot easier to work on my unpublished story than to work on some of my most popular stories. And I've been feeling like this since before I stopped updating. Like the last few chapters were such a struggle for me to write and publish, which is why they're so sloppy. I'm sorry, you guys. I don't know what to do. I'm going to try to push through until I have that spark again. Just for you guys. Because honestly, if it wasn't for y'all, I would've been deleted everything and started fresh.

I love you babes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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