Chapter 2

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           It's not necessarily the change that hurts. It's what happened during the change that causes the most pain. It's the overall reason of why there was a change and what you changed into.

As we grew together, we also grew apart. The more I fell to him the more he fell away from me.
And when my eyes were finally opened & had seen reality. His beauty, soul, & mind were so divergent & when it was mentioned to his understanding that he was indifferent.
His walk was now with stooped shoulders, his hair fell differently, & the sparkle in his eyes were replaced with dark matter. The way he dressed wasn't him anymore, all his attire was dark. The words he spoke were even dark. They were full of hatred, despise, & sometimes threats of death. He no longer was passionate in his innocence of love.
His anger caused my depression. As my love for him continued to flow out seamlessly, he kept his away locked up, eventually it vanished because he was no longer applicable for a heart.
As he grew stronger in his opposite. I fell shorter in the hole I became stuck in. The hole was filled with all the positive memories we had together, only happiness which caused me to love him over all of his new depth that drove in the opposite direction. Every now and again there was a flash of new memory, the dark Jamie, a flash similar to lightening , it was quick, bright, & had a sense of sting.
I would see the darkness that had overtaken him, the darkness that he became, but each glimpse was short, as each glimpse was given, the sting grew even nor harmful, greater in pain each time. And the stinger the pain given , it always became more visible.
         My mental vitality became questionable. Phasing, flashing sounds of his voice, he spoke my name, "Vivian", he called louder & stronger with each call. My brain still in a haze, my vision doubled, spinned & glitched. I could hear him getting closer with each call & each call was more aggressive than the one before. I could only see & comprehend bits & pieces. Then I felt his touch on my skin, grasping my arms tightly, shaking me lightly & becoming more aggressive as I couldn't respond to him. In my face yelling, I see what I am able to, shaking me excessively with aggression, my head hit the wall.
         Black. Pitch black is all I see. 'Where am I ?' , I think. I saw, felt & heard nothing. 'Am I dead?' ,I think again. No I'm breathing... Thinking rapidly of every possibility, I realize I'm in a coma.
Then I see everything clear as if I was in a theatre all alone. Watching it as if it were a movie. I saw every bit & piece as to what lead me to be in the coma. He did this to me.
As I was stuck in this coma for a month, I had come to realize what he had become, a monster. And I know what I needed to do. I needed to save myself. I had to get out of there. I had to get away from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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