My Response to Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

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The link of the 3000 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter can be found in external link. ;) 

Oh, and this is only my opinion as a certified PotterHead. You twi-hards can contradict this all you can, say a lot of bad stuff, but it won't change this so don't try. ^_^ 

Potter Heads FTW! 

"Twilight will fade. Harry Potter will stay." 


1 - 27 

1. - the writing is better 

Can I actually puke now? 

Meyer took this story from a dream. I'm not discouraging you to follow your dreams but heck, a DREAM? 

Rowling actually prepared for Harry Potter for about five years, researching all that is needed to be. While Meyer just woke up and wrote about this. You don't have to RESEARCH to know which is the better writer.

2- the actors/actresses who film the movie are talented 

Ok, I'm puking. 

One cast in Harry Potter is worth more than the whole cast of Twilight put together. Giddit? 

And anyway, who wouldn't say Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and Alan Rickman isn't fantastic? A person with dung for brains of course.

3- bella is a role model (she teaches people to hold on to their friendships and stuff and keep their secrets) 

Double Puke. 

Bella is only a role model to those who wishes to be just a damsel in distress. Edward will do this. Edward will do that. What do you actually do Bella? If there is a twi-hard reading this, tell me one good reason why you think Bella had actually done anything to save her life, or anyone else's for that matter.

Second, Bella didn't hold on to her friends. When she went out with Edward, she left them without an explanation. Do you really want that kind of girl to be your friend? 

4-it has a PLOT!! 

Thank you very much for providing a reason for HARRY POTTER. 

5-the scenes in the movies are exciting 

Which scene? When Edward was watching Bella while she sleeps?

Do you really want people watching you while you sleep? 

Anyway, even the scene in which Ron snores is exciting. Duh. And all those bad-ass scenes with Draco. SWOON. 

6- the effects are amazing 

This just explains how shallow twi-hards are. You don't have to see wonderful effects, watch the hotness of the actor, to actually love a story.  'The effects are amazing', what kind of reason is that?

The kind made up by a three year old? 

7-a story about a vampire,werewolf, and mortal beats a swinging wand boy and his enemy the beast 

I can't provide a counteranswer for this because I don't understand this. (Poker face) 

8- the actors and actresses are attached to their character and love them 

No they don't. You know Cedric Diggory? 

Robbert Pattinson once played him. And he admitted that he liked it more. 

9-the characters are not all good or all evil 

My Response to Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now