Chapter Seven // Gone

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Sorry I'm late !
"I'll be back around 4:30!" Robin said, hopping in his car. He had to be at work soon, he was running late.

"Alright, love you!" Regina shouted, and waved.

He rolled down his window and shouted back, "I love you more!" He said before driving off. Roland waved, while in Regina's arms.

"He'll be back soon, is it okay if Gina watches you for a little while?" Regina asked him.

"Yes!" Roland cheered.

"Alright, let's go inside and eat some breakfast, maybe some pancakes?" Regina tickled his stomach.

Roland giggled and nodded. As soon as Regina was about to walk inside, she was stopped by a familiar voice coming from behind her.
"Not so fast."

Regina turned to find Candace, a smug smile curved along her lips.

Regina put Roland down. "Go inside for a little bit, Gina needs to talk to Candace okay?" Regina told Roland.

Roland nodded and went inside.

"What do you want?" asked Regina, closing the door so that Candace wouldn't even think about going after Roland.

"Listen closely, As close as you think you've grown to my family, it won't last for long. I'm giving you one last chance, let Robin down easy, make him think you hate him or you will be sorry." Candace said.

Regina chuckled. "Will I now?" Regina shook her head, still smiling. "Candace, I know you hate me, and want me to die, but I think that is because you still love Robin. You can't stand seeing him fall for me, and I'm sorry for that, but I love him, and he loves me--"

"That's where you're wrong!" Candace stopped Regina. "He doesn't love you Regina, nobody could ever love you. Isn't that the reason your husband, Daniel left you?" Candace smirked.

Regina's eyes widened. "How the hell do you know who Daniel is?"

"He's my brother, and that's how I know you." Candace replied. "And he left you because you're worthless, you can't give men what they want, a family. You know, Robin might say that he understands, but deep down he knows he is lying, I know that because he wanted a family with me, really bad." Candace said.

"You're lying, He does love me, he promised me." Regina said.

Candace laughed. "So did Daniel."

Regina's eyes weld up with tears. "Stop." She warned.

"Daniel also promised he would love you no matter what didn't he? He vowed to you, and yet he still broke it. You honestly think a promise could beat a vow?" Candace asked.

Regina shook her head and sniffled. "You're wrong."
"Am I?"

Regina turned away from her, only to see Daniel, with a large knife in his hand. Regina gasped and stepped back, bumping Candace. "W-What are you doing?!" Regina asked as Candace grabbed Regina's hands and put them behind her back.

"Making sure you don't ruin any other man's life." Daniel said holding the knife closer to her.

"Gina?" Roland asked innocently, standing by the front door inside, confused and teary-eyed.

"Roland baby, get inside and hide, go!" Regina shouted before Candace put tape around her mouth.

Roland ran into the house and upstairs, his speed increasing as his heart beat faster.

"Roland! It's Candace, come back here so we can take you to Daddy!" Candace shouted.

"No way, you hurt Gina!" Roland screamed back, unlocking the balcony door and running down the emergency stairs.

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