A New Day (season 8)

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It's been about two weeks since last month when Carl and Clementine got kidnapped by the fireflies but they got rescued from the group
Today they were gonna go on a supple run
Clementine James and Alex were playing cards with Ellie
Carl:Hey Clementine do we have any pudding left?
Clementine: no but I think I know who might've been eating it
Alex:you know how much I LOVE pudding
Clementine: we'll fine more OK
Then Carl leaves the house to go find michonne and then finds her at the gates
Carl:Hey michonne
Mike:what's going on Carl?
Michonne: Mike and I are going on a supply run on medicine
Carl:OK can I come
Then they get ready Carl talks to Clementine before they go on the supply run
Carl:see you babe *kisses Clementine*
Clementine: be careful
Carl:first I'll exchange my hat for yours
Clementine: fine by me
Then they exchange hats Clementine now had Rick's sheriff hat and Carl now has Clementine's dads hat
They leave Alexandria
Then they went to the pharmacy and on the ground Carl grabbed an engagement ring
Mike:perfect for Clementine
Michonne: yep
Then they grab some medicine and then leave back to Alexandria
        Meanwhile with Clementine
Clementine was playing cards with Ellie Joel Rick and Lee
Rick:he traded my hat for yours huh?
Clementine: yep I liked the sheriff hat
Lee: :)
Ellie:Carl michonne and Mike are back
Then they all leave the house to see what the three of them got
Carl:dad can I talk you for a sec
Joel:what is it kiddo?
Carl shows the engagement ring he found
Joel:that's perfect for Clementine
Carl:I'll propose to her in a few minutes OK
Sarah:do it now
Then he goes to find Clementine and finds her in a house
Carl:hey Clem can I talk to you for a sec?
Clementine: sure
Then they go outside
Carl the kneels down and then shows the engagement ring
Carl:Clementine Everett will you marry me?
Then he puts the ring on her finger and then they both kiss
Lee:haha they're getting married
Tyresse: ooooo
So yeah Clementine and Carl are getting married and hope you enjoyed this 

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