5. Trips

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*Vik's POV*

"Hey guys it's me..." And I was cut off. Simon burst through my door with a huge smile on his face.
Wait. Why Tenerife? Is Simon out of his mind?
I just stared at him for a while. "You've just interrupted my recording to say this" I said jokingly.
"I'm sorry Vik but it doesn't really matter as you were just starting and I couldn't wait to tell you! It's gonna be so much fun!"
Before I had the chance to reply he was gone.

After I finished recording I went downstairs to get a sandwich. I walked down to find Simon at the door.
"Put some shoes on we're going shopping," he said "for some holiday clothes."
So I went and put some shoes on like he asked.
"Is Josh not coming?" I asked
"Nah, he's busy recording with Tobi, so you ready?"
I nodded. Then we were off.

*Beth's POV*

I was on the train back home. It was a long journey so I needed to keep myself occupied so me and Lauren decided to call our friend and tell her about our experience.
"Hello." She said.
"Yeah, hi. Jodie!" I said excitedly.
"So are you gonna tell me about what happened?" Jodie asked.
Lauren stole the phone off me. She put it on loud speaker so I wasn't as pissed off as I was about to tell our friend Jodie about our experience, well my experience.

"We met Vik, like expected. But Beth also met Simon and Josh!" She shouted as nearly the whole train carriage stared at her.
"What about Lachlan? How was he?" She asked. I forgot she was a huge Lachlan fan. She didn't really care for the sidemen but she knew that me and Lauren did.
"He was really sweet, and his accent is amazing!" Lauren replied. I also forgot that Lauren was obsessed with Lachlan too. I'm such a good friend.

"Guess what Jodie?" Lauren continued.
"The love of Beth's life told her he loved her!" She shouted, again.
"Vik?!" This was Jodie's turn at screaming down the phone.
"He probably says it to everyone, he appreciates his fans." I interrupted their 'happy session'.
"You have to admit it felt nice" Lauren smirked as she nudged me.
"It did"
I smiled.

*Vik's POV*

Why the fuck did I end up buying smart shirts. I thought we were going to Tenerife not a wedding?
Simon insisted that I buy them because 'they look good on me'.
"Why do you care so much?" I asked with a laugh so I didn't seem stubborn.
"Because Vik, there's nothing wrong with looking smart for a holiday" he replied.
"So why aren't you getting any shirts and jeans?"
"You're full of questions today Vik." He laughed. "If you want me to get some then I will."
"Go on then, I don't want to be the only smart one." This was true. I didn't it'd make me feel out of place.
"If you are too, wouldn't it be right for the rest of the guy to as well?" I asked
"You know what? You're right!" Simon quickly grabbed out his phone and rang JJ. Then Harry. Then Ethan. Then Josh and finally Tobi.
"They're gonna meet us straight away. So let's go get some food while we wait.

Once the rest of the guys arrived we went and all got our 'smart clothing'. Harry thought it'd be a good idea if we got shirts that represented our GTA car colours even though we haven't played it in a while. Everyone else seemed to think it was a good idea but I wasn't too confident about wearing the yellow shirt. But once I tried it on it actually looked nice.
"We're gonna look badass wearing these!" Harry claimed.
"I still don't see why we are going for a smart look when we normally don't" I said with curiosity.
"You never know what might happen." Simon smiled. This was then followed by a cheeky wink.
Okay, now I was curious.

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