Chapter Six

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Logan walked out of Louise's room with a nervous smile on his lips. As she was getting dressed he stepped into the living room to see Bob and Linda standing by the couch. They turned to face him, both hiding smiles with failing stern faces. "Good morning," he said with a little wave and Linda held out her arms.

"C'mere," she said and Logan looked to Bob before stepping into the hug. Linda squeezed him tightly before she took a half step back and pointed a finger in his face. "Now you listen here," she said firmly, "my Louise is fifteen, so no funny business."

"Believe me," Logan said with an awkward chuckle, "that's not something you need to worry about."

"Mmhmm," she said disbelievingly and Logan just stood there, unsure of how to say he wasn't going to have sex with Louise while she was still so young without completely making everything awkward.

"Alright," Louise stepped out of her room dressed for the day and let out a groan. "Linda, what are you doing?"

"I'm warning him not to touch my baby," she said in a sing song tone as she released him. Logan cleared his throat and gave Louise a nervous smirk.

"Let's get going yeah?" he asked and she nodded. He walked over to her and took her hand, giving her parents a wave without looking back.


Louise usually hated to have such girly thoughts as whether or not she looked nice in what she was wearing or how her hair came out under her ears, but that morning she'd taken extra care to pick out her clothes and brush her hair. In the end, as Logan gave her a less than innocent kiss before they hopped in his car, she was glad she did. His hands lingered at her hips as he pulled his lips away, his eyes half lidded with what Louise knew even with her limited experience meant lust.

"You're beautiful," he whispered before releasing her and opening the car door. Louise snorted at his chivalry and hopped in, slamming the door herself to prove that she didn't need him to do something so trivial for her. A grin lazed up his lips as he stared at her through the window, a grin she returned with a smug smirk. He shook his head and went to the driver's side, hopping in without a word. Louise watched as he started the admittedly nice car and put it in gear. She stared at his hand still resting comfortably on the gearshift and she reached for it. He gave her a quick grin before he turned his eyes to the traffic, his hand entwined with hers on her lap.

Far before she wanted to they made it to her school. He parked a bit away from the entrance and turned his body to face her. "I should let you out here," he said with a look like he didn't really want to. "I don't want to-" she cut him off by pulling on his arm and bringing his lips crashing into hers. His lips worked with hers for a brief moment, but soon he pulled back and gave her a firm look. "Louise, we can't do that. As much as I want to-"

"I don't care what people think," she said firmly and he sighed as he sat back in his seat.

"You're fifteen and I'm twenty one," he spoke in the silence between them. "If someone sees me kiss you like that I could get in some serious trouble." Louise scowled, having not really put much thought into the legal ramifications of... whatever they were. What were they exactly? He hadn't really asked her to be his girlfriend, she was honestly not sure if people did that once they were out of high school.

"So no kissing?" she asked and he snorted.

"Not in public," he amended her words as he brought the back of her hand to his lips and kissed her surprisingly soft skin gently, "in private though... That's a different story." He gave her a salacious wink and Louise blushed violently. "Now get out before you're late," he chided with a grin and Louise rolled her eyes, unable to help stealing a quick peck to his lips before stepping from his car. And hey, maybe she swayed her hips more as he idled on the side of the road, but that was her secret.

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