It was just a walk,hm?

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„You know I hate you, right?" I hissed at my two brothers.

„But Cat~" whined Lucas and Matt, my „lovely" twin brothers.

„What was the damn reason that we had to go to the forest, hm? Why on the Earth did you need to go for a walk? Now we are stuck in here!"

„Yeah, but it's great! We are in the One Piece!" exclaimed Lucas.


„Cat! We want to go for a walk and you're coming with us" stepped into my room Lucas.

„Why?" I groaned.

„'Cause you are too lazy! I know you ended your training for the week, so you are coming" demanded Lucas.

„Fine, fine, I'll change and we'll meet down" I sighed and got up from the bed.

I picked up a blue tank top, my favourite farmer short and my blue converse. When I looked in the mirror, a familiar picture welcomed me: my wavy, brown hair reached my mid-back, my sky blue eyes stared back at me, on my face at that time laid a little lazy attitude, but usually I wore a little smile. My body wasn't too thin, because I liked to eat and of course sweet things were my favourites. I had nice curves, but I didn't care how other people looked at me.

„Are you ready or do you need 3 more hours?" yelled Matt.

„I am coming! Geez, impatient."

„Summer will turn into winter when we are waiting for you" complained Matt.

„I am a woman. I need time" I grinned at him, but he just rolled his eyes.

Lucas and Matt were my twin brothers. They were 8 years older than me and nobody could tell the difference between them, just me. They had short, spiky brown hair and brown eyes, but Lucas' eyes were a little lighter than Matt's.
They were overprotective, because whenever I told them, that I liked a boy, the next day, he didn't even looked at me. It was irritating; I was 21 for God's sake! But I loved them nonetheless.

„So, can we go?" I asked them.

„Sure!" they grinned and we began to walk towards the mountain.

„So, tomorrow we'll see the new episode" said Lucas.

„Of course we will see it! I can't wait! God, Law is just so handsome..." I sighed and a picture about him came into my mind.

„Hey, I thought you were totally into that Marco" raised an eyebrow at me Matt. „At least that tattoo shows it."

„You know very well it's not like that. More like I respect his values and the things he does for his family. I'd do the same for mine."

„You're so sweet!" they hugged me.

„G-guys... can't breathe!"

After that we continued our journey and we reached the forest. I loved the nature, it was my major at the university. I wanted to be an environment specialist so I could protect the nature.

As we walked we laughed a lot and bickered a little, but suddenly I couldn't find Lucas.

„Matt! Where is Lucas?"

„Don't know. He might just wondering around, no big deal." he shrugged, but a weird feeling found its way to my mind.

„We need to find him! Lucas! Lucas, where are you?" I screamed through the forest.

My nervousness stuck with Matt as well and we have begun to search after our brother.

„Guys! Hey! I found something!"

When we heard his voice we immediately rushed over and found him standing on the brink of a hole.

„What the hell, Lucas! I was worried!" scolded him.

„Yeah, sorry, anyway! What could it be?" pointed to the hole.

„I don't care. It's weird, we can't see its bottom. Normally we should see it, 'cause I don't think anyone like to dig a hole in a forest."

„You might be right, but I want to know how deep it is." Lucas took a rock and tossed into the hole.

We listened but we didn't hear anything.

„Okay, now I agree with Cat. It's just weird" scowled Matt.

„C'mon mate, it's exciting!" grinned Lucas and before I could protest, they grabbed my wrists and jumped into the hole...

When we landed the first thing I noticed was the strong sunshine which was burning through my lids.

„What the..." I began, but when I saw my brothers, I just gawked at them.

„I know we look good, but incest is against the law, Cat" grinned Matt.

„N-not that, asshole! You... you are... You look like an anime character!" I screamed.

I saw them looking at each other, then me.

„You too."

„WHAT?"I screamed once more and when I looked down, I saw they were right.

We just turned into 2D.

Hello guys!

I decided to post my story here as well. This story is on the too, under my similar username as here.

I want to apologize in advance because of my English. It's not my native language so please don't be rude instead if you would point out my mistakes, it would help me improve it.

Please tell me what you think ^_^

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