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Park Nari
Nari looks around the house. She was alone again. Her mom was working at the hospital and her brother was probably getting drunk with his friends. It was of course almost 10pm. Nari pushes herself off of the couch and slips on some shoes.

She couldn't stand being alone any longer. She walks outside and down the street. She hears footsteps behind her. She clutches the end of her pastel blue jumper and looks around.

"This was a bad idea." Nari mutters. But she continues to walk foward. The footsteps start getting closer. She stops in her tracks.

"Who's there?" She calls out. She turns around and sees two figures dressed in black.

"Shit." She mutters. She backs up but they get closer. She turns around. Two more on the other side of her.

"This can't be happening." She mutters. She goes to run but they trap her in. One of them puts something in her mouth, causing her vision to start getting blurry. She keeps struggling but one of them puts their hand on her neck pushing pressure on it. Next all she could see was darkness.
Park Jinyoung

Jinyoung stumbles into the house. It was quiet and empty. Nari's shoes we're not at the front door.

"Nari?!" Jinyoung yells. There was a note on the TV. He picks it up.

You've messed with the wrong gang Park Jinyoung. We've got your sister. And not giving her back until you payed back your debts.- Jongin & Minseok

Jinyoung's eyes start watering. He throws the note on the ground and kicks the table.

"Fuck." He mutters. The front door opens and his eomma walks in.

"Jinyoung. Where's Nari?" She asks.

"I don't know eomma." He says.

"You left her alone again didn't you." She says furiously. She hits him in the side of the head. "You know her! She got bored and left the house! I'm sick of this behavior Jinyoung. Go upstairs. Now." Jinyoung looks down and walks upstairs.

"Nari. I'm gonna find you. Don't worry." He whispers looking at the ground. "I promise."
Park Nari

Nari wakes up in a dark room, hands and feet tied to a chair. She panics. She had something in her mouth. The door opens and the same four boys who kidnapped her walk in. One of them removes the thing from her mouth.

"I think she should see what we look like." One of them says. They nod agreeing. They turn on a light. Nari looks at them. One of them was tall and had brown hair with shaved sides. Another was a little shorter than the other one with blonde hair. Another tall one with just brown hair. And another kinda tall one with brown quiffed up hair.

"Now I know you're wondering why you are here. Well your idiot brother borrowed money from us about a year ago. And now we're getting revenge." The shorter one says. Nari was shaking. Her brother? Get involved with a gang?

"Sehun and Jongdae stay here. Me and Jongin will go see if anyone is looking for her yet." The shorter one says.

"Yes hyung." Jongdae and Sehun say in unison. The other two walk out. Nari looks down at her lap, tears start forming.

"Hey. Don't cry." Jongdae says, bending infront of her. Nari looks up a little.

"Why do you have to get revenge on my brother for?" Nari asks,starting to build up more confidence.

"That's classified information." The other one, Sehun, speaks up.

"I'm gonna untie these ropes so you'll be more comfortable. There's a bed in the corner and some clothes. Just don't try to escape. You'll make it worse for yourself." Jongdae says. Nari nods. He unites all of the ropes. She looks down at her wrists. They were all red and bruised.

"Hyung let's go." Sehun says. "We'll be back." He adds looking at Nari. They walk out of the door and lock it. Nari walks over to the bed and picks up the clothes. A sweater, some black jeans and socks. There was a brush to the side of the clothes. She slips the now dirty blue jumper over her head and puts the stripped cropped sweater on her body. She slips the jeans on her legs and puts the socks on her feet.

There was a mirror next to the bed. She looks at herself. She had a purple mark on her neck where one of them put pressure on it. She had about three or more cuts on her face. She sighs and brushes her hair and bangs.

"Please find me Jinyoung." She mutters. "Please."
How was that? Okay. Yay. I've been wanting to write one of these for a while. And what do you think. Xiumin or Kai. Who's the bad guy in this. Saranghae- author nim/ sana unnie

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