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Hearing the voice of one of the monsters in the house dawns fear onto me. I spin around as her voice echoes through the walls, my hair whipping my back. My position turns as I face myself towards the bedroom door. I gulp loudly, preparing myself for how bad she may be tonight. Who knows where she has been? She could of been off with my father at the bar 3 blocks away. She could of been at a club, chugging down as many tequila shots as possible. Or maybe she was at Sparke, her closest friends house drinking up all of the wine.

Many thoughts jogged around my head, as they normally do when I hear her say my name. I sucked in a large, sharpe breath, standing up slowly making my way to the living room, where she was. Every step I took seemed darker and darker and the panic rose on me. The floor boards creak under me as I take slow, soft steps. I was inches away from the living room, the room with the monster inside.

Spinning around the corner I see her. Her eyes were hard and cold. She was drinking alcohol, leaving dark circles forming around her eyes. Her jaw line was tight, looking as if it could snap any moment. Her brown, wavy hair was frizzled, put into multiple knots wrapping around her scalp. I eyed what she was currently wearing. Of course, she wasn't wearing my fathers wedding ring. The thought dawned on me that she could of been with another man yet again, not like anything has changed many there.

But knowing that she even sees other guys and... Well leaves my dad behind caught up in the winds, well it still brings the familiar feeling of sadness to me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts to the sound of my dad walking into the house, slamming the front door behind him with a thud. I flinched slightly and mom rolled her cold eyes at me. I glanced down at my feet, waiting for the worst to come as it normally does.

Dad walks into the living room, anger and rage filling his face. His hands were balled into fists, knuckles turning white. I held my breath, ready for him to explode at my mom like he always does. She always does something to bring us all back to this, dark, scary place. His head snapped to my mother, his brows furrowed and jaw clenched. The floor shook as he took heavy steps towards her.

Slowly, she began taking small steps backwards, getting as much of a distance between them. Her back banged against the coffee table, leaving no room for her to back away.

Suddenly his fist banged against the coffee table behind her, making us both gasp in horror. His body shook in rage as he lifted his fist from the now broken table.


He spins around, eyes shooting daggers. I brace myself for what's next.

"I am home, where's my dinner?!"

He shouts, voice booming through the house. I stand up straight, fixing my posture. I glance up at him, he stands impatiently waiting for my response.

"I-I had to do m-my ho-homework."

I stutter, shifting my feet back and forth. He slams his palm on the counter.

"Is homework more important than my well being?!" I swallow my saliva, unsure how to respond.

"I-", his voice cut me off.

"No! Get me some dinner right now!" He shouts, causing me to squint my eyes. I make my way to the kitchen quickly, mumbling a 'yes sir' as I make my way. Stumbling away I hear my father speak again, not to me, to my mother.

"So who were you with this time? Let me guess, was it Kenny, or was it the other 20 men you see." He says, voice daring for her to answer with the response he knew was coming. I sucked in my breath, listening to hear if it was true, that she was with another man yet again.

"I-I'm sorry Ben." She sobs, throwing up a sap story. I hear low grunts from my dad as he hears it again. The same thing as he hears every week, that she cheated on him. The thing was, she wasn't sorry. Not at all. She liked the attention, the only fear she had was him harming her, the way they harm me.

I sigh and turn around, throwing together some mashed potatoes, chicken, and some corn and carrots mixed up together. I grabbed a can of beer from the fridge, popping off the top. The sound of air squeezing out erupts and mist rises out from the can. I grab the beer and dish with my fathers food and make my way back to him and mother.

My mother doesn't eat dinner, she doesn't have the appetite when it comes to the night time. It may be bad for her health I suppose, but it's less work for me, so I'm not complaining. As I approach the living room I spot my mother and father seated on the couch, kissing up a storm. They made up again as I see, and the wedding ring is back on my mothers hand. I turn my head away and walk back to the kitchen. Carefully I set the plate on the counter, placing the beer beside it. Spinning around I make my way up to my bedroom, hoping not to be called downstairs to be the peasant again.


So the first chapter is short, I know. But the next chapter will be interesting, don't give up on me please! This is a book I am feeling proud about, and I hope to be successful with it.

I am not the best writer in the world, but at least I am putting myself out there. Thanks for giving my first chapter a shot!

Hopefully I will see your vote on this chapter .

And please please please


It would mean the world to me! I will absolutely follow you back! So please follow follow follow!

And give me some feed back if wanted. And if you have written a story and want me to read it and give you some feedback, just comment on my wall the name of your book and I will check it out!

Again, thank you!

-Alyssa Grace from Outer Space

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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