Chapter 12 your who

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Is been 2 weeks since Octavia made my heart beat again ...anyways I was out in the woods since I was in the hunt and suddenly a rustling in the bushes got my attention and out from the bushes came a massive pig so I grabbed my bow and arrow and set it up and just when I was about to take a shot something or someone jumped out from the trees and scared the pig away oh boy was I pissed so I turned around to the intruder.

"YOU scared away my pig"

I pulled out my dagger and took my battle stance

"Now your dead meat"

She just smirked at me

"Bring it on Princess"

She had a kind of Spanish Accent to her but that did not stop me.

I manged to pin her to a near by tree and I got all up in her face the next thing she done took me completely off gaurd she stuck the head on me and I stumbled back.

"OUCH seriously you head butted me that's so not cool man"

She grabbed her head to.

"Yeah I never thought that through the name is Eretria what's yours"

She was now fully standing up and the way she is dressed she kinda looks like a Grounder.

"My name is Y/N nice to meet you Eretria"

"My name is Y/N nice to meet you Eretria"

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(That's Eretria)

Little Grounder Octavia/youWhere stories live. Discover now