My First Kill

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I got of the gross ass mattress and walked out of the room. As soon I exited I saw a few people, with blood all over them. "Your awake!"a small voice exclaimed. A little girl in a pink dress ran at and jumped on me, I fell over.

"Hi Jack!"the girl yelled. "Hi?"I responded confused. Jeff, Toby, and the dark figure walked in the front door. With a pretty girl that seemed to have scars on her face as well.

"Nina meet Jack,Jack meet Nina." Jeff said right away. I got to my feet. Jeff grabbed me and told me its time for me to hunt or kill as what they would call it. He brought me to a house at 12:30am and told me to hurry up and kill the person sleeping,he gave me a small knife.

Hesitently I entered the room my new vision showed me what look like a weak point added a taste of goodness in my mouth.

I striked there,blood was slowly spilling out of his body and then I reached it the thing that put a wonderful taste in my mouth was a kidney. Jeff walked in and shoved the kidney in my mouth. The taste was excellent I was chewing and chewing on the kidney and spit it out as my stomach was turning. "Damn it Jeff!" I exclaimed.

"Quiet down!" he whispered. We heard footsteps down the hallway. "His parents are coming!" Jeff runs and vaults out the window, I follow.

We returned to that house I awoke in and the first person or thing to greet us was that little girl. I walked past her and sat down on a couch, not even remembering that I was chewing on a kidney and had blood all over my face

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