iii. the night to never forget

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"Come on, Miles, we have to go." I begged over the phone as I collapsed on the bed. We've been on the phone arguing about the party for hours now, we were both getting tired of the topic. However, we were both also very stubborn so the conversation could go all through the night. Oh boy.

"No, Wally, you just want to go because Jane Donovan invited you." Miles countered followed by a restless sigh. I swore I heard him roll his eyes.

"But, Miles! Jane Donovan invited me, invited us!" I exclaimed, throwing my free hand up in the air as if he could see just how serious and excited I was. "Please, Miles, it'll be fun."

"No, Wally, you were right earlier. Andy McPher--"

"He won't know, right? You were right earlier, Miles. He can't keep track of everyone who goes to the party and he'll probably be drunk off his ass to even know we're there." I said, resigning to the bed as I let out a deep sigh. "Please, Miles. I'll help you get a date with Marie Her ... and I'm pretty sure she'll be at the party, too."

Miles was silent.

"We'll be helping each other out. You will be going to the party with me and I'll be able to see Jane Donovan. And I will set you up on a date with Marie Her, the girl of your dreams." I explained with a smirk. Marie Her is a pretty, charismatic Korean girl who just moved here from California. She's my Chemistry lab partner and she's chill. We're good friends and Miles is completely interested in her. Marie Her is his Jane Donovan.

Miles finally sighed and he took in a deep breath then said, "Okay, you win." He breathed out and I could tell he was situating himself on his bed. "We'll go to the damn party, Wallace Dennis."

"Yes, thank you, Miles Miller! You are the best, I love you, man!" I yelled into the phone, thrusting my fist up in the air as a sign of victory.

"See you tomorrow, Wally." Miles hung up.

I grinned and tossed my phone onto my bedside table. "Yes!" I exclaimed with joy, jumping back onto my bed with probably the most idiotic grin on my face. But I didn't care. Jane Donovan asked me to come to the party. She, of all people, asked me. Tomorrow was going to be a good day. Nothing could ruin it because I'm going to a party to see Jane Donovan.


The day couldn't have gone any faster. It was just a normal day like any other day. I went to class, ate lunch with Miles, and stayed in the library until the traffic died down outside in the student parking lot. Huh, but one thing was missing.

"Hey, don't you think today was a little quiet today?" Miles asked as he tossed his backpack into the car.

"What do you mean?" I asked, climbing into the passenger seat.

Miles got in the car and turned on his engine. "It's just ... today was so quiet and nice. Andy McPherson didn't bother us once today. I'm pretty sure I made eye contact with that kid during lunch and nothing." He said with furrowed brows, worry crowding his handsome face.

"Miles, relax. Today was simply just a ... good day." I said, waving my hand in the air with a scoff. "It's nothing. I'm just thankful nothing happened today."

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm just as happy as you are. Something just doesn't feel right." Miles always worried too much.

I shook my head and punched his arm lightly. "Bro, chill. Nothing is wrong. Maybe you're nervous because this is our first party tonight but I promise everything is okay!"

Miles cracked a grin before nodding and saying, "You're right, Wally. Okay, are you ready to have the best night of our lives in just a few hours?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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