Could it be (a pewdiepie and marzia fanfic)

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This is my first fan fiction so please bear with me

Pewdiepie pov

It all started in October 2011, I met the most beautiful girl named Marzia and now I am going to ask her to marry me. I wonder what she will say? Will she reject me? She can't, can she, I mean we have been together for so long and she loves me and I love her. Oh stop worrying pewds.

"Marzia" I whisper
" yes Felix" marzia sounds like an angel and my legs feel like jelly. How can I ask her.
I get down on one knee.
"Marzia bisognin"
"Yes" she flutters her pretty eyes and my heart starts to melt
"Will you do the honour of marrying me" I gulp
"Of course I will Felix" I get up and we hug.
"Maya can be our bride of honour, and Edgar Alan pug can be our best man" I jokingly say

*4 months later*

Marzia pov

As I walk down the isle in my wedding dress and my bouquet of beautiful pink roses, I see Felix in his suit with a pink tie to match my bouquet. As my dad hands me over to Felix I start tearing up. Felix lifts up my veil and wipes my tears away. I hold his hands as we turn to the priest to be connected in holy matrimony.
"You may now kiss the bride" the priest says.
Pewdiepie kisses me but I love it even more than usual.
Felix sweeps me up and carries me out of the church.
We both get into the limousine and hold hands all the way to the wedding reception.
We danced all night and our first dance was amazing.
I was starting to like the name Marzia kjellberg

Felix pov

After a crazy night of dancing and drinking alcohol I carried her back to our room in the hotel. We had so much fun, maybe a bit to much fun if you ask me, oh well no harm done. We were talking for a while, about random things and all what had happened to day and then we fell asleep, as we cuddled.

*2 weeks later*

I woke up to the sound of puking. I ran into the bathroom to see Marzia there. I held her hair back and let her finished. After she had finished puking I got her some tissue so she could clean herself up.

Marzia pov

"Did I wake you" I said
"No, well don't worry, I am your husband marzia, in sickness and in health, remember.

End of chapter 1, I like leaving it on cliff hangers so you will get more in the future, leave me suggestions or comments below

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