It's started

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*8 months later*

Felix pov

I had finally finished setting up my camera for a new amnesia video, when I heard a bloodcurdling scream!

"MARZIA" I yell running up the stairs. I enter our bedroom and there's a pool of liquid around her.

"Felix, I think my waters just broke!" She says clenching her stomach. "take me to they hospital."

I help her down the stairs and out of my house and into the car. I sit in the car and race to the hospital. Every scream gets closer together, the babies must be here soon. I help Marzia out of the car and into the hospital. I run up to the desk with Marzia following behind me.

"My wife is having contractions"

"Ok follow me, how many minutes are between them?" The nurse asks

" umm about 2-3 minutes" I reply

"Ok the baby will be here soon." She says hurrying us into a room. Baby, the word plays around on my mind. I then realise it's not baby it's babies. Marzia gets all hooked up and midwives come in. They ask me to leave because they need as much room as possible, I agree but then Marzia speaks up.

"Can Felix sit beside me, see it's my, well it's our first kids and well I want the father, and my husband to be right here." Wow Marzia really wants me here, but I can't bare to see her in any pain, but if she wants me here then I will stay, for Marzia, and our kids.

"Ok then if it makes the birth easier, Felix can stay." Says the head midwife.

Marzia pov

This pain is unbearable, but I have Felix's hand, sometimes I squeeze so hard I think his eyes are going to pop out of his head.

"Marzia dear, how many kids are you having." Says the head midwife. Felix knows that I'm in pain and I cant really answer so he says two and the midwife looks shocked, but it's probably because of how short I am.

A/N I am writing this on my iPad and I was away on holiday so I wrote it but couldn't publish it because there was no wifi how did I last

Could it be (a pewdiepie and marzia fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now