An Alien Perspective

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"Excellent," Commander communicated to me and my comrades. "I am glad that you are all able to participate in this crucial mission. Whether you will succeed remains to be seen."

Myself, Huls, and Plos were standing at attention outside our podship that was going to take us on the mission of a lifetime. Huls and Plus were in one exoskeleton each, but I was in two. I was the key to this mission, and I couldn't fail. Not now, when the fate of my kind rested on my shoulders.

"Wraird," Commander communicated to me as Huls and Plos climbed into the tiny podship, already grumbling about the limited leg room. "I must remind you that if you fail, everyone dies. The Mothership only had so many supplies, you know, and if we attack at the wrong time, we could all die and I would kill you personally."

"Yes sir, I'm well aware and up to the challenge. I'm honored, sir, and won't let you down," I replied, my eyes bulging slightly at the personal death threat.

Commander turned away, his clawtips tapping on the laser controls.

I felt he was about to zap me so I climbed into the podship, taking a last look around the Mothership, since I knew I would never see it again. Its glowing green aura illuminated my trembling hands, and it's floating stone pillars loomed over my head, casting shadows over Huls and Plos. Thousands of alienus' had come to see us off, but for what, they weren't exactly sure.

I climbed into the podship and shut the hatch, which immediately started up the ship. I climbed into the pilot's seat, and we were off. I glanced behind me, and the Mothership was already a blur. I was aware that by the end of this mission, I would be the only one left alive. I could sense Huls and Plos fighting again, and knew it was going to be a rough ride.

* ~ - _ - ~ *

About a lightyear and a half later, I saw this mysterious planet Earth Commander had mentioned to us. It had so much color; rich greens, royal blues, puffy whites, and even a sparkly shield around the planet Commander mentioned was an ozone layer. Getting through this layer was the trick, since I had to fly fast enough to make the landing bumpy enough to kill Huls and Plos, but smooth enough so that it wouldn't kill me. I accelerated until the second before we were about to enter this layer, then I braked hard. The momentum pushed Huls and Plos across the podship, cracking their heads together. I could hear static from both of their brain waves and communicated to Commander, "Huls and Plos down."

I landed in some hot powdery substance Commander said was sand. I looked around and saw people rushing towards my podship from giant building behind gates. I quickly pretended to be dead, and reached out to their minds. I sensed every one of their brain waves, all slow and unprotected. Getting them to obey me would be a cinch.

Alienus' communicate by telepathy, so we have innate control of anything's brain waves, and if the waves are unprotected, then we can control the waves to do our bidding. I made the scientists, who wanted to operate on us (?), operate on Huls and Plos first, so that by the time they got to me they wouldn't cut through my second exoskeleton. That way, my second exoskeleton could keep me alive until the time was right.

Commander's plan worked, and now I am in a glass tube full of liquid until Commander takes the Mothership to invade this strange planet. The ones who inhabit it, called humans, breathe oxygen like us, and have limited temperature tolerance, like us as well. I can see why Commander would want this planet. But there are many humans for such a small planet, and instead of getting along like we do, they have wars. They are in one now, the "Cold War", as these scientists have called it, and their year is 1953.

"They are in a war. They are prepared for invaders now. The time has not come," I communicate to Commander, to which he responds, "Understood. Good work, Wraird. See you possibly."

* ~ - _ - ~ *

I have lain dormant for years. These humans think that fighting solves things, and have wars left and right. There has been no unsuspecting peace, until now, the year 1996. They are in peace, and according to the humans who check on me, in a month (what is a month?), over half their weapon controllers will be away from their weapons.

"Commander. It's time. Not only is there unsuspecting peace, but in a month, over half of their weapon controllers will be away from their weapons. Come," I communicate to Commander.

"Excellent. Splendid, splendid indeed. We are coming, Wraird. You don't know how much good you've done," Commander replies, and I believe I detect a hint of pride in his thoughts.

They are coming. They are coming, and soon, I shall be free.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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