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Seriously! The alarm clock will not shut up! Who the hell eventide these things. While groaning I shut the damn thing off. And look at the time. 5:00 , just like my mom said. I pushed the covers off me , and went to take a shower. I did my normal routine , went to my dresser and them my closet. I grabbed my dark blue shorts, with a long black sleeve teeshirt. And my wild and love hoodie. Also my cheetah Vans. After I had all that done I looked at the clock , 6:20.

I got time to eat breakfast. As I was walking down the stairs , I heard my mother in the kitchen and my dad in the shower. You want to know why I knew it was my dad? Because even in this new house , and him behind closed doors. I can always hear him in the shower singing.

When I got to the end of the steps. I realized I never got to look around the house. Ehh , I'll just do that when I get back home. When I got to the kitchen , I see my mom at the stove.

Hey, mom". Good morning sweetie, your breakfast is on the table. Me and your father will be leaving shortly to the hospital. Ok", thanks mom.
I looked down at my plate. Bacon , eggs, and toast. It was turkey bacon, I hate regular bacon, it just taste weird. After I was done eating my food. My parents have left already. I looked at the clock, 6:42. I better be going now. I ran up stairs and brushed my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I went into Ellie's room. And said bye. If your thinking we leave Ellie alone in the house your wrong. We have a house keeper named Lily and she helps Ellie get ready for school. I grabbed my bag and ran to my car. A 2013 Ford Explorer. I just got it and I love it! I put the key in and started backing up the drive way. I pulled on the road and started to drive. My mother said the school was 20 minutes from our house. She said don't worry! You'll know where it's at. Like seriously?!! What the hell does that mean! After the 20 minutes were up, I can see why now. The school is huge! You could fit like five of my houses in there. As I was pulling into the student parking lot, I can see stares coming my way. I parked my car, and sat in it for three minutes. I really don't want to get out and being stared at until I get to the building. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and opened my door and got out. With my keys and bag. Keeping my head held high. I'm a cheerleader so I have a lot of confidents , just not when they are new faces. I know , it's a stupid reason. As I was walking towards the building, the girls giving me glares and wishful looks. The boys on the other hands had different looks. Lustful looks. Every single one of them.

I don't see why though. I don't consider myself beautiful , but I guess I'm pretty. Long blonde hair that goes to my waist, green eyes with thick long lashes. And a athletic body. I finally entered the building , and the hallways were full of people. But I stopped this one girl.
"Hey do you know where the office is?
I'm guessing your new, I'll just show you where it's at. By the way my names Melanie
Oh thanks. My names Missy.
That's a pretty name , you never hear Missy a lot.!
Thanks , I guess. " At my old school they either called me Missy or Barbie."
Oh, I can tell why they called you that! I mean not in a slutty way! Melanie said nervously.
"Oh , it's okay, I'm not slutty.
Yeah you don't look like the slut type.

I guess we were talking for awhile, because we reached a door that said "Office". " Hey maybe if we're lucky we'll have the same schedule!
Maybe, let's hope.
As I opened the door my eyes fell on the secretary playing on her computer. She looked up to see me and Melanie. "Ah, you must be Missy Waters, here is your schedule. And I believe Melanie will show you around. Have a nice day dear. I looked on the desk to see her name. "Mrs.Jacobs".
Thank you Mrs. Jacobs. I looked at my schedule...

1. Science

2. Math

3. Study hall

4. Lunch

5. Language Arts

6. P.E

7. Study hall

After I was done reading it , I gave it to Melanie. She read it over and gave me the biggest smile in the world.
"We have all the same classes together!!!
"I'm really excited!
The bell rang, so we hurried to our 1st period . Which was science. And i guess I'm good at it, and I'm not good at it. We were on the second floor, when Melanie spoke up. " Science is with Mr.Mayberry , he's funny but he can be serious at times.
" Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
Melanie stopped at the 5th door to her left and opened it. We walked in and all eyes were on us.
"Ah, Miss.Mathews thank you for joining us late again.
A 46 looking bald man said to Melanie. And he keeps talking. " Just like your brother, always late for class.
"Hey don't blame me I was showing Missy around! She's new here! Melanie backfired.
"Okay, whatever, just take your seats. Oh and Miss. Waters here is your book.
"Oh , thanks. I said politely.
At my old school the teachers were never this formal. The teachers there called me Missy. Me and Melanie took the last two seats in the back. And I could tell this is where the bad kids sat at. There were writings on the desk , and just by the rest of the people in the last row. I usually sat in the middle row. All through this lecture was boring. Me and Melanie were talking through the whole thing.

"So how many brothers and sisters do you have? Melanie asked. I just have sister , her names Ellie. How about you?
I just have four brothers and no sisters,cage stated sadly. My oldest brother Xander he's the same age as you or a year older. Dean and Michael are twins they are 15. And then their is Knox he's four.
"How old are you?
Oh, I'm 16 , I got to skip a grade , on how smart I am. She flipped her hair while saying this. I laughed.
"I can never see myself having four brothers and living. I just have a sister and I can't stand her. How do you do it?
"It's easy. They're really funny ,band their all players . Well except for Knox. All the girls in this school fall for them. Especially Xander. They can't keep their hands off him. I would feel bad for Xander's mate, all the drama with these sluts.". Mate? I asked confused. Melanie tensed up for a second and then relaxed.
"What are you talking about? I said girlfriend! You silly blonde! She laughed nervously. "Lets get to class, Melanie said. After third period it was lunch time. And let me tell you I am really hungry. Let's hope they have good food.

Hurry up Missy I don't want to be last in line. As she said this she grabbed my arm and ran. In a sprint. I guess she really liked to eat. We got our trays and the lunch ladies are serving pizza. Thank the Lord were not having stuff that looks shit. We got our food and sat at a table with five other girls.

"Missy this is Megan. Melanie pointed to the girl with the red hair. "Hi! I love your hair Missy. Thank you Megan. That is Sammy , a girl with blonde hair waved at me. I said hey. "Sammy's the shy one of the group but once you get to know her , she can't shut up.Melanie said. I'll keep that in mind. "This is Emma she's the crazy one. That's Sally . She's the funny one . But we're all pretty funny. And the last one is Grace. She's the clumsy one of the group.

We all exchanged hey. "So , Megan said , who do you think is the hottest at our school? "I mean I see some cute guys here and there but not hot or sexy worthy. I said.
Everybody started laughing, including me. " Wait until you see Xander . Sammy said. Ouch! "Hey don't call my brother hot that's nasty!!!
" I'm sorry Melanie I can't help it that we find your brother hot!
Just wait Missy. Maybe Xander will think your hot I date worthy! Emma said. I haven't even seen the guy and they think he'll date me .
"I don't think I'll be dating anyone soon. I said
WHAT! WHY!!! They screamed at me.
"Look at you ! You have the perfect body , the perfect hair and your really nice and beautiful. Grace said with the rest of the girls shaking there heads in agreement.
"Shut up guys! You our all beautiful! Inside and out! Everyone is beautiful. And don't tell me other wise I said fiercely. "Anyway do you guys know anything about the cheerleading squad here? I looked at all of them to see they're smiling like idiots.

" I was hoping you would ask that. Melanie said. Stay after school for cheer practice. I just got here and I'm all ready going to cheerleading practice. I haven't even got to join a gym for competition cheer. Now I was the one smiling like an idiot.
"Ok . Can't wait!!!
The bell rang signaling lunch was over. We said our goodbyes to each other. Well except me and Melanie because we have all the same classes together.

At last the school day was over! Language Arts and Study Hall was boring me to death. But P.E was good. Except for the outfits. The shorts were short shorts. That we're red with the logo of our mascot. The panther. And the shirt was tight fitted , grey that said " Burmington High School". And on the back it said " Go Panthers". The boys had the same thing. But the sleeves were cut off and you could see their abs. And they didn't have short shorts on. They had regular shorts on.

I grabbed my book bag out of my locker. Waiting for Melanie to hurry and get hers. I heard shouting at the end of the hall. Seeing it was Melanie yelling my name , flapping her arms everywhere and running towards me.
" You ready?
The. We walked towards the gym.
" Hey watch out for Lizzy. She's the slut and bitch of the school. Melanie said. " She can't be that bad. I said, while walking in the gym.

Just as I said that, there was a girl that barely had clothes on. They looked like they could fit Ellie. Fake bleach blonde hair. Yelling at everyone. That must be Lizzy.
"Never mind. I said to Melanie. She is a bitch and a slut. Just by looking you could tell.

This is going to be a long practice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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