Part 3

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Jason's POV

After we finished breakfast, Becky left for work, while I took Linda to Jane's.
When I arrived at school, I saw Sam and Tommy standing by the school doors. "Hey guys. Hows it going."

"Hey Jase." Sam said. When I caught up with them, we walked inside together. When we got to Becky's classroom, we heard arguing. When we walked in, we saw Becky huddled in the corner, with Richard, the school jock, closing in on her.

"I'll go get the principal." Sam said. As she turned and headed to the office, we walked up to them.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Richard?" I asked angrily. He turned towards us.

"I'm just telling Mrs. Jackson how things run around here." He said. "But she's being a little stubborn."

"So what, you're going to rape her because she doesn't want you?"

"She doesn't know any better." He said. "I just got to show her."

"I'd rather die, bastard." Richard raised his hand, about to slap her, but I got between them, and he slapped me instead. Richard stood there in shock for a moment. Then he clenched his fist and pulled back to punch me, but Tommy grabbed his elbow, giving me the chance to punch him in the gut. Richard was on his knees gasping, when the principal ran in with a couple of police officers.

"What is going on?"

"Mr. Jones. This student had tried to force himself on me. He would have raped me if these guys hadn't walked in when they did." Becky explained.

"That's a lie." Richard yelled.

"Then why would she be scared of you?" I asked.

"I've heard enough. Mr. Thompson, I want you in my office now." Mr. Jones ordered. The officers grabbed Richards arms and led him to the office. "Mrs. Jackson, are you alright?"

"Yes Mr. Jones. I'm just glad that these guys came in when they did."

"That's good to hear." Mr. Jones. "But I have to ask one question. Do you want to press charges?"

"Yes." Becky said. "Not just for me. The way he was talking make me believe that this wasn't the first time that he tried something like this. Maybe if I go ahead with this, they'll have the courage to come forward also."

"Alright, I'll let the officers know." Mr. Jones left the room, and we turned toward Becky.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, worriedly.

"I'm a little shaken up, but I'm fine otherwise." She said. Just then Sam came back into the room.

"Well. That was I sight that I never thought I would see." Sam said with a grin.

"What?" Tommy asked.

"Richard being led to a police car in handcuffs." Just then the other students started to walk in. They were all talking about Richard being arrested. Many of the girls stated that they were glad, while others mention the relief on some of the other teachers. After the last bell rang to start the class, Mr. Jones' voice came over the PA, telling everyone about the charges brought against Richard, without mentioning Becky's name. He also said that if any one student or otherwise was victimized this way to come to his office and let him know. After school, I went to pick up Linda while Becky headed to the police station.

When I walked into the station, Becky was standing in front of a couple, who were glaring at her.

"What is going on here?" I asked.

"These people are Richard's parents." Becky said. "They think that I'm making up what happened."

"Figures. They think golden boy is perfect. But, they don't see how he really is." I said.

"And who the hell are you?" The man asked.

"I'm the guy that pulled your son off before he could rape her." The woman scoffed. I looked her, before turning toward Becky. "Did you fill out the report?"

"Yeah. I was just about to leave when they approached me." I turned back to the couple.

"I understand that you want to protect your son. But you need to realize that he needs to take responsibility for his mistakes."

"What do you know about responsibility?" He replied. "You're just a teenager."

"I may only be eighteen, but I am a parent." I looked down at Linda, asleep in my arms. "This is my daughter. Before the summer, I was a single parent, and I was responsible for her. Now I'm married, and have a responsibility to my wife as well as my daughter." I told them. "So as you can see I have three full time jobs. I'm a student, a father, as well as a husband." They looked at me with a look I thought looked like respect, but I might be wrong.

"I see. Well, I can see where you're coming from now. It's going to be hard, but we'll try to see that he learns."

"I'd appreciate that." I turned around to head back to the car outside, when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked and saw that it was Becky.

"I said it once and I'll say it again. You always surprise me." She said.

"Got to keep you on your toes somehow." I said jokingly. I looked in her eyes and the next thing I knew she had Linda in her arms and pulled me into a kiss filled with love and passion. We pulled apart when we heard a gasp. We looked back and saw the shocked look on the couple and the officer.

"What the hell?" The woman asked. "You tell us that your married, then you kiss this slut teacher?" I looked at her barely able to control my anger.

"Don't you ever disrespect my wife, lady." I said, anger lacing every word. The woman looked like she was starting to faint. I started to walk over to them, but Becky pulled on my arm.

"Come on, honey. Let's go home." She said. "I don't want you doing something that you will regret. Plus Linda's starting to wake up."

Married to my teacherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin