Sonic The Return-Chapter 1 A Rude Awakening

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''Hey Sonic! Wake up!'' Amy yelled at the blue hedgehog who was lieing on the roof of Miles Tails Prowler's house.

''Huh?'' A confused Sonic looked down at her noticeing her furious face.

''YOU MISSED OUR DATE!!!'' She bellowed at him from the ground making her hammer suddenly appear in her right hand. ''HOLY SH..!'' WHACK! ''AGHHHH!!!!!!!!''

''Sonic...? OMG IM SORRY SORRY!'' spoke Amy as she saw she had actualy hurt her crush and made him fall off the roof.

''Ugh...'' Was the last thing that the hero could mutter as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he blacked out.


Three Hours Later:...

''Uhh..w..where am I?'' Stammered Sonic as he looked up at his freinds. ''Hang on...this is my room..ok WTH IS GOING ON?!'' Sonic questioned standing up quickly out of his bed only to fall to the ground.

''Sonic don't try that yet'' Cautioned the worried yellow kitsune who helped him back into his bed. ''Amy I think you have something to say to Mr Sonic...'' Added Cream who slightly  nuged Amy.

She sighed. ''Sorry Sonic..'' Grumbled Amy. ''For?...'' butted in Knukles with a sly grin on his face knowing Amy did not like to admit when she was wrong.

Another sigh escaped Amy's mouth ''Sorry for almost killing you with my hammer...'' She then turned to Knukles and spoke in a sarcastic tone at him ''HAPPY NOW?''

''Very.'' Replied Knukles with yet the same smug grin panited on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2011 ⏰

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