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"Scarlet!" My mother yelled through the door and I continued to flip through my Goddess magazine.

"Yes?" I called back flatly, eyes trained on a pretty shade of matte lipstick advertised on the pages. 

"Your letter from Camp Billard is here." My interest peeked at the mention of Billard. A smile immediately grew on my face, and I stood from my bed. 

It was only a matter of seconds before I was out of my room and on the main floor of my Manhattan penthouse. "I can't wait for Billard this summer." I grinned, grabbing the envelope from my mothers hand. 

"What if you don't get in?" My eyes flashed up to my sister Amelia, a smirk played on her young features. 

"Of course I'll get in." I roll my eyes at her and she scoffs. "I've maintained the same average in school since my first year there when I was twelve. They can't turn me away." I peeled open the white envelope and unfolded the single piece of paper inside. 

Dear Miss Scarlet Logan,

Your application to Camp Billard was reviewed, and we regret to inform you that unfortunately you were not one of our choices to attend the camp this summer. We'd love to hear from you again next spring! 

My stomach dropped, and my mouth went along with it. "I didn't get in." I whispered. The feeling of disappointment took place right away. Why would they decline my application? What wasn't good enough? 

"What did you say honey?" My mother asked innocently, looking up from rest of the mail. She took note of my solemn expression right away, and gave me a sympathetic look. "Oh, Scarlet, don't worry about it. You can try again next year."

"No I can't mom," I snapped. "I'll be a senior in the fall, this was the last year I could go." 

"Aw, Scar." She moved towards me, and I stuck a hand up, avoiding eye contact with her. "Look on the bright side, you can spend the summer with your family at the lake lot!"

"That is not the bright side!" I erupted, tears formed in my eyes. I had gone to Camp Billard for the past five years. It was a prestigious camp in the Hampton's of New York for advanced placement students in junior high and high school. Billard took the highest averages out of all the applicants and invited them to spend the summer. At the camp students could learn more about the field of work they wanted to go into after post secondary. It looked impressive on university applications, and it had a great reputation. Over the years I had made tons of friends, and I had come to love the place.  "I hate the lake lot! I sent my first application to Billard so that I wouldn't have to spend the summer at that dump!" 

My mother rolled her eyes at me, and Amelia giggled. "Scarlet now you're just being dramatic. Just because he fridge doesn't have a water dispenser, and the furniture isn't from the newest 'French Heritage' line doesn't mean it's a dump. It's very two thousand's chic. It's beautiful there. And you'll get to see the Forbes' again!"

I laughed at the mention of the Forbes'. They owned the lot next to us, and were good friends with my parents. They had three boys, the eldest of which liked to make my time spent there a shit show. Camp Billard was heaven. The late lot was hell. And Nate Forbes was satan himself. "Mom, I do not want to see the Forbes. Let alone their god awful children."

"Scarlet Grace do not speak that way about them. They are lovely people, and their boys are wonderful." 

I chose to ignore her comment about the 3 boys being wonderful, and instead chose to sulk in my room. "I'm not going to the lake lot." I tried to argue, walking myself and my Louis Vuitton flats away from that horrific conversation. 

My mom chuckled and so did my sister. "Yes you are, start packing." 


AUTHORS NOTE: Behold the prologue! This is the beginning of Lake Lot, and I hope you all enjoy this, and all that is to come! 


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