Chapter 1

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"Quit sulking, baby." Amelia stuck her tongue out at me as I immaturely slammed the door to my room. 

"Quit breathing, troll." I fired back. I was being a stuck up snot, I was fully aware of that. When things don't go my way I'm usually a lot more reasonable, but being declined from Camp Billard was something I didn't think would ever happen, and when it did I went from excited about summer happy girl, to dreading summer mad girl. 

I argued with my mother and father for days, but neither were willing to let me stay home by myself for the summer. So there I was, standing in front of my room with my Calvin Klein suitcase packed with clothes more suitable for Camp Billard rather than gross lake lot. 

"Scarlet! Amelia!" My mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs, and I swear, steam blew out of my ears. 

It took all I had not to stomp down the steps like a two year old. I ignored my parents laughs at the turbulent look on my face that had seem to become permanent in the last few days. Instead of shouting childish and snarky remarks at them like I had opted to do previously, I continued to the elevator, showing my anger by pressing the close door button before any members of my family could step into the lift. 

Once I arrived in the lobby, I dragged my suit case out to my father's Range Rover that was parked in front of the building by the waiting valet. He acknowledged me with a smile.  "Have fun in the Hampton's, Miss Logan."

I looked at the grinning Valet, and tried my best to smile in return. I imagine I looked incredibly fake, so I cut the shit, and told him. "Impossible." 

He chuckled in response, and I gave him my bag, hopping in the back seat of the vehicle. I lent my head against the window and closed my eyes. I tried to imagine that in a few short minutes I'd be headed to Camp Billard instead of what felt like my own personal hell. 

The doors of the car opened, and in came my ridiculously happy family. All three of them were excited to arrive at the lake lot,  and I'm pretty sure they were also excited to watch me bask in the grimy-ness that was our cabin. 

"Scar aren't you excited?" My dad chuckled. Looking at me in the rear view mirror. 

I closed my eyes again so I wouldn't have to look at his absurdly content face any longer. "I'm trying not to scream." I told him honestly. 


It seemed like sleep was the only way I could get away from the disappointment of not being accepted into Billard, and the repulsive thoughts of where I was going to spend my summer. I would have preferred that those peaceful hours went uninterrupted, but of course, they didn't.

I woke to my sister screaming. She ripped the headphone from my ear and even stooped to the unpleasant action of blowing my my ear to bring me back to consciousness.  "We're here!" She sung loudly. 

I clenched my fist to keep from shoving her out of the car, but when she decided to push my last button by once again, blowing in my ear, I used the tense muscles in my hand to punch her right in the gut. 

Amelia doubled over for a split second before grunting at me, and getting out of the car. I opened my door, and walked to the back to retrieve my bag. I took it from my dad, and looked up to my home for the next three months. It was a log cabin with two stories and a basement. There was two bedrooms, and two bathrooms which meant I would be sleeping in the same room as the child who thought blowing in my ear was a good idea. I could say right now though, if I was woken like that a single morning this summer, I would walk back home. 

"This is going to be so fun, Scarlet." My mom placed a hand on my back, and I stared at her with unamused eyes. "I'm just glad you're here. Try to cheer up, okay?"

"No promises." I replied, towing my suitcase to the front door. I tried to prepare myself for what I was about to see. It was exactly the same as I remember it being six years ago. A fake looking oak table, and chairs. A couch made with a velvety-cotton material that almost made me throw up in my mouth. An ugly rug that seriously changed my opinion on my mother and her sense of style. And a simple kitchen. I missed home already. 

I shook my head, and sighed, trying to rub my miserableness off on the other obnoxiously happy people in the cabin. I stalked down the hall to mine and Amelia's room. It was also the same as I remember it. The walls were a pale green, and two twin beds were against the walls. Dressers and mirrors stood on opposite sides of the room, and the closet was directly to my left. As much as I hated to admit it, the room gave me a slight feeling of warmth. All the good memories- which were low in numbers- took place in this room with Amelia. 

I placed my suitcase on the bed, and began to unpack the things in my suitcase. I looked at each expensive item of clothing I brought with me, and I hoped with all my heart the grimy-ness of this place wouldn't ruin it. I had everything from Chanel, to Saint Laurent, and I couldn't have felt more out of place. I shouldn't be wearing these designer labels, at Billard this all would have been acceptable, but here, I wasn't sure it was. I had out grown all my Old Navy and Gap clothes when I stopped coming here in the summer. The casual clothes I had, weren't necessarily casual. 

My clothing dilemma was interrupted by my mother. "Scarlet the Forbes have come to say hello. Come downstairs and see them."

I put on the fakest smile I could muster, and pretended to be excited. "Oh my goodness! Sure I would love to say hello! I love the Forbes' and their son who I'm sure, is actually the devil!" 

My mother put on a fake smile right back, before dropping the facade completely and changing her tone from happy mom to annoyed mom. "Look, I would just like you to remember that your attitude has negative or positive reflections on your reputation, depending on how you choose to act. Now I'm telling you, you better keep that fake smile plastered on for the next five minutes, okay?"

My mom knew I'm a sucker for reputation lectures. I hated thinking that anyone could have a negative opinion of me. She knew she'd win once she came over here and played the rep card. She's undeniably smart. "Fine." I smiled as big as I could and spoke through clenched teeth. 

I followed my mother downstairs, and for the first time since I arrived, I was faced with something that wasn't exactly the same as I left it. 

Nate Forbes. 

Boy- or man- did he ever grow up. The first thing I noticed was his height. He was taller than his mother and father, easily towering over both his parents. His lanky figure was no more, and he now opted for a much more muscular shape. His hair was a darker shade of blonde, and his eyes a darker shade of blue. He was gorgeous. As much as I wanted to kick myself for saying it. I also wanted to kick myself for the relentless Taylor Swift lyrics that replayed over and over in my head. "Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a day dream..." 

"Scarlet!" It was Mary Rose Forbes calling my name this time. She pulled me into a hug and I tried to keep the fake smile from falling off. "It's been so long since we've seen you, my goodness you're so beautiful!"

"Thanks, Mrs Forbes!" I try to make my response sound at least slightly excited, but when I fail, I catch Nate smirking. We meet eyes for the first time, and my stomach drops. This guy, this ridiculously good looking guy, was also the kid who pushed me off the dock when I couldn't swim, and shoved many of my ice cream cones into sand. I hated his hot ass. 

"Scarlet call me Mary, you know that!" She waved a hand at me, and I just smiled in response. "You remember the boys, right?" She put a hand on each of the boys shoulders as she introduced them to me. "Caden, Toby, and Nate?" I nod, and she chuckles. "And boys you remember Scarlet Logan?"

The two younger ones nod, but the smile is wiped clean from my face when Nate speaks in a deep voice. "How could we forget?" 


AUTHORS NOTE: Here is Chapter 1! I can't wait for everyone to see what is in store for this book!


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