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Ma, why do you ignore me?
Am I not your son

Ma, why don't you love me?
Am I not your blood?

Ma, why do you not care about me?
Don't you want me to be happy ?

Ma, why haven't you talked to me?
Don't you know I am dying to hear your voice?

Ma, why don't you hug me like you do with my brothers?
I am also your son

Ma, why didn't you look back even once ?
When I fell and cried

Ma, why didn't you come to wipe my tears when I cried?
Don't you feel hurt too ?

Ma, why weren't you there when I needed you?
Don't you really not care?

Ma, why don't you feel the urge to talk to me like I feel?

Ma, why didn't you replied once when I asked you do you like the gift I send

Ma, why do you hate me?
Don't you know it hurt me?

Ma, despite being a mother
How can you be so Soulless??

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