JULY 4,2016 Independence Day

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OK people talk know the deal so today fireworks blah blah blah......well one exploded at my feet(due to my stupid lil sis aiming it at my feet, she claims to have nothing to do with it) well y'all may not care but today is bleh as usual! Today I plan on going to sleep at 2:00 am rn its 1:26 am I usually sleep at 4:00 am reading and sh.......stuff. But on school days I wake up at 5:00am and go to school at 6:45 well to the bus school starts at 7:25 am then we get home from the bus at like 4:50 pm. Don't get me wrong I've learned to love school. Shocking I know.....reasons why:
1.) Home AWAY from home
2.) No family there to pi.....bother me
3.) I get to read for prizes (books need quizzes and points)
4.) I'm with my friends while my parents don't know
5.) Cute boys (I'm ugly but a girl can dream or am I wrong? Who's with me?)
6.) Competition for best in all classes (best grades)
Ikr my parents have destroyed my social life. Most people must wonder how I'm friends with Martin(a popular boy). That's another story I'm sure no one wants to hear. Cause boring old Liz don't got a life. Anyway I was talking with my cousin ,Uriel, today. Y'all may wonder cool who cares? Well, errm, last year in the Summer on 2015 we kinda liked each other more than cousins/godbrother/godsister ya his dad,Saul, is my padrino (godfather) Marta ,his mom, is my madrina (god mother) Ya I'm catholic deal with it!? Anyway they were oblivious to that fact but, well some people could tell he liked me cause he'd always be asking for me and ya...... Anyway we were texting on Messenger the Facebook Messaging app and well see for tour self's seems he still likes me

Anyways idk if the feelings mutual cause my feelings are usually wrong or sh....stuff. So instead imma play the cold shoulder. Do you think I should confront him without knowing my feelings or? I just need some opinions.
Some help please? Sorry its like late kinda had to go to a family reunion in the Country. Opinions I need some real help....
~Xoxo Twili_Liz

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