Chapter I

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Phoenix, Texas April 23, 2024, 8:00 p.m.

"Are you sure we're supposed to write this story Rose for the boss? I mean this a real murder investigation, and that Kyle Hyde is the lead investigator which by all means we know nothing about him except that he's 24 years old, very, very handsome, and that he doesn't like reporters who don't do the job right from the start-"

"Do you mind? You're yelling in my ear, Bree."


I sigh quietly as my roommate and best friend Bree Hallows a beautiful girl with golden blonde hair and amber eyes and a figure men will die for throws herself onto my bed, laying face down with her head buried in my pillow thus causing a loud muted THUD to erupt from the bedframe as it hits the wall with the force of Bree's weight causing me to wince at the damage that might have been done to the wall knowing that the landlord might have heard the thud and evict us since his ridiculous rules forbid loud noises along with other "rules" that made absolutely no sense.... damn government laws that stated that financial aid wouldn't cover housing forcing us to stay in this hellhole.

"It's the only shot we have to get into the world of criminal justice, Amy. I understand it must be crazy to accept the job...but we need the money, and graduation is coming up and the student loans don't pay themselves...of course if the big boss paid us more...alas he's a cheap asshat who abuses people for profit," I state as I finish undressing from my work uniform into my usual night clothing that consisted of a black tank-top and black thigh-length shorts with Bree groaning in frustration, muffled by the pillow she was lying on.

Gently I lay down on Bree's bed yawning as I quickly turn off the main lights to the room, causing our automated lamps from our desks to turn on giving the room a soft white light giving it a feel of warmth like a mother's embrace when holding a child.

"I guess you're right...but I wish I had someone to guide me like you, Rose! How's Daniel by the way? It's been awhile since you talked more like argued about your gifts and how you're supposed to use them...pushy much is what I would agree on if he was still here," Bree questions as I blush madly from the question about my ex-boyfriend Daniel Riles who broke it off stating that "If I couldn't be honest with him that I wasn't worth the time" then died in a fatal car accident then found me again, thus revealing my gifts (along with Bree much to his surprise) to him.

"He decided that I still wasn't worth the time which is plain idiotic to me since it was he who decided to hang around. I mean...I do miss him sometimes its just...why did he have to say those cruel words...Am I really that bland?" I mumble as my bed creaks signaling that Bree stood from the bed and suddenly I found myself in her arms, feeling hot tears slowly trickling down my face as long buried emotions resurface forcing me to bite my lower lip to keep from sobbing for the loser who I fell for.

"Don't tell me you let that asshat's words get to your head? You're a talented girl who dedicates herself to be the best and that nothing can stop you from completing the job. I may not have...prominent physic abilities or phenomenal psychometric talents, but that doesn't stop you from being you: A young beautiful girl who's determined and motivated to be the best and won't let anything stop that sounded sooo cliché I wonder how people have seen this already," Bree declared while I smile at my friends attempt to make me happy which I return her hug with twice the strength causing Bree to laugh loudly at my return hug which she still returns warmly.

With both of us too eager to sleep, we talk about the upcoming job that instilled that we would be the official police reporters of the case that no information was given out yet to the public which meant that no lies nor any false information was to be written along with not writing the exact details of the case, causing a complicated agreement to be made then signed then turned in person to the Chief of the Investigations Department of the PPD: Josh Williams who took his job so seriously that he re-entered the elections of the Chief of Police twice and won both times shocking the citizens of Phoenix thus causing an uproar about the voting system which was settled quickly bring back peace.

"I wonder if this Kyle Hyde is truly the best detective the PPD come the cases he's solved never show up in the news or newspapers or the meetings that the Council have every five months that PPD attend to discuss public matters..." Bree quietly ponders while we both lay down in our respective beds while we hear the Landlord knocking doors loudly, making sure that his tenants weren't causing problems that would ruin his reputation with the Council thus ending his financial funds.

"That is a very good question Bree, however maybe he just doesn't like being in the spotlight? Many sleuths like to be kept in the shadows of their work, just in case that someone might get too curious and try something dangerous like going undercover for a mafia gang or similar to the latter," I whisper as the Landlord bangs on our door for five seconds then leaves dragging his feet to signal that he was still in the hall hunting down the pesky "rule breakers".

"Who knows? Maybe we'll find out once we get the office building and hopefully we get full-time jobs there, thus leaving Jack so we can move from this crummy place for something better than this dump," Bree answers, her bright amber eyes slowly closing until I hear her soft snores, indicating that she had fallen asleep which I smile to myself and follow Bree's example and fall into a deep slumber, not noticing that someone was watching us from the shadows of an alleyway and at our curtain covered window, smiling thinly revealing a cruel smile.

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