one naughty boy

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Author: this picture was to bloody good bit to use


"how could you!" I shouted as tears stream down my face. Asgore looked saddened as I grabbed Chara's hand and pushed pass him, Temmie in hand as we ran out into the snow.

I ignored the cold as I ran, I stopped when I came to a impassible gate. I let go of Chara's hand and placed Temmie in my bag so she wouldn't get cold. I looked up at the gate wondering how to get passed it.

That's when I heard footsteps behind me, I quickly turned around and saw a tall skeleton. I backed away but he pulled me close as his pelvis hit mine.

"Mmm little red lost her way in the woods to Grandma's house again?" he said and I scoffed. I tried pulling away but he pulled me closer and grinds against me a bit. I blushed hard as Chara coughed up causing him to pull away slightly but keep me close by grabbing my ass.

I growl a bit as he smirked, "now now lil red you and kid over there gotta climb the gate in order to head forward..." the skele-asshole said as I pulled away. He seemed to frown but I didn't care, I looked at Chara and bent down and boosted her up.

She was on the top and I handed her my bag , she grabbed it as I jumped up and grabbed the top. I slowly pulled myself up and I could feel a certain pair of eye sockets on my ass.

I groan and eventually jump down on the other side. I was about to help Chara down when I was pulled into someone, I groaned as I felt a familiar grinding sensation. "Can you get out of my bubble you perverted skeleton!!!!" I yelled trying to push him off.

He just laughed at me and leaned in close. "Common baby call me papy..." he said. No way in hell would I do that.... I look at him before shoving him into the snow and helped Chara down.

I think I made Papyrus mad but I didn't give a fuck. Chara smiled at me and pulled Temmie out of my bag to hug as I took the bag from her. I saw Papyrus stand up and scoffed as I wasn't giving him all the attention.

needless to say this was going to be a long experience to get home......

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