Hannah Potter (Harry Potter)

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History: Was given to Remus Lupin after birth, as Voldemort would have tried to kill her if he knew. Was born about a year before Harry, and knows that Remus is not her actual father. Lily and James Potter kept in close contact. Hannah wasn't old enough to remember her parents' death, and never knew she had a younger brother. When she was young, she and Remus were attacked by Death Eaters. A stray curse hit the five year old, and she now bears a jagged scar under her forearm in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Appearance: Hannah is a tall girl, and is rather lanky like her father. She has slightly lightened black hair, a small nose, and small lips. Her eyes are green, and flash when she is angry. Her eyes will turn red if she is really angry, which isn't very often. She keeps her hair away from her face with a yellow and black headband, but doesn't wear glasses like her brother.

Blood Status: Half-blood

House: Hufflepuff (Although the hat considered putting her in Gryffindor)

Wand: 13 ¾ inch. Beech Wood, unicorn hair core

Specialty: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms

Qidditch Position: Hufflepuff Seeker

Personality: Happy, Helpful, Industrious, Confident and sometimes Angry

Happy: Hannah is the most joyful person you will meet. She always tries to look on the bright side of things, and makes jokes and sarcastic remarks to make her friends laugh. Hufflepuff is the perfect house for this optimist. However, she knows when it's unhelpful to be happy, and can be sensitive to you as well.

Helpful: Struggling with a particular piece of magic or homework? Hannah is there to help, to the best of her abilities. However, even she doesn't know all the answers to your O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s and will tell you so.

Industrious: Hannah is sometimes called the "Ravenclaw of Hufflepuff". She works as hard as she can, and is the top of her classes, only beaten by Draco Malfoy of Slytherin, (second place) and Hermione Granger of Gryffindor. (First place) She is good at Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology, but she rocks DADA.

Confidence: Hannah is the most confident person you will meet. Either she's casting curses, hexes, or charms, or looking for the snitch. Despite her Hufflepuff traits, Hannah is always ready to dive into the unknown, even if the worst is waiting for them.

Anger: Hannah is normally a very happy girl and is rarely angry. But if you upset her, you'll wish you hadn't.

Magic: Hannah is about as good in magic as her brother, beating him by a bit. She learned non-verbal spells a year before everyone else, and could create a patronus during her first year. Thanks to Remus Lupin, Hannah was able to do more magic than a third year when she was a first year. (Although she didn't want to admit it until she had to) In situations where she is angry, she will create magical outbursts everywhere.

Abilities: Hannah is fast and agile, and is quick with a wand. She knows how to confuse her enemies to gain the advantage in a duel. Hannah also has a strong resistance to the Imperius Curse. (Imperio)

Dark Arts: Hannah was known to have used the Cruciatus Curse (Crucio) once or twice.

Patronus: Arctic Wolf

Doubts: Hannah sometimes doubts in her abilities, as well as her friends. After being told she was a Potter, Hannah doubted Dumbledore for a couple days.

Friends and Enemies:

Raven Malfoy: (Enemy) Raven pretended to be Hannah's friend until their 5th year at Hogwarts. Raven had tried to use the Cruciatus Curse on Hannah, but without thinking, Hannah used magic fueled by anger and launched Raven back several feet. Hannah pulled out her wand and (like Raven was going to do to Hannah) used the Cruciatus Curse on Raven, making the later contort in pain.

Harry Potter: (Friend) Even before they knew they were related, Harry and Hannah always had a special bond. Upon finding out they were in fact brother and sister, that bond grew closer. Hannah is one of the few people who isn't frightened of Harry when he is angry. Even though they argued a couple times, Harry was the closest one to Hannah at all of Hogwarts.

Nyx Nightshade: (Friend) Even though she was in Ravenclaw, Nyx was one of Hannah's best friends at Hogwarts. If Hannah wasn't hanging out with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, she could be found with Nyx. Even though Nyx was more mysterious and silent than Hannah, they would still enjoy a couple laughs together.

Draco Malfoy: (Enemy) Hannah and Draco never were "friends" like Draco's sister Raven pretended to be. Hannah kept her cool most of the time, and treated him nicely, but one time Hannah lost her temper with him, and pulled out her wand, but was stopped when Snape came in. (Snape proceeded to take 10 points from Hufflepuff)

Katrina Starflight: (Friend) Katrina is a proud Hufflepuff, and one of Hannah's best friends. When Hannah is sad, or in a bad mood, Katrina is the 2nd of two people able to make her feel better. Hannah and Katrina sit next to each other in Charms, and they will help each other if one is struggling.

Dominick Colins: (Friend) The first one to accept her to Hufflepuff, Dominick has always remained a loyal friend of Hannah. He fought beside her when being attacked by Death Eaters, and has saved her life countless times. (True love anyone?)

Snowstar: (Friend) Snowstar is Hannah's loyal owl and companion. She will always be there when Hannah is alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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