Chapter Seven | I Want To See My Bestfriend |

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I look up towards Heath, now seeing his eyes completely blue, and scowl.

"Let me seem my friend, Heath." I get out through gritted teeth, glaring at him, hoping a hole forms into his non-brain.

Heath takes a deep breath.


I scowl even deeper, annoyed at his short response.

"Why not? I've already seen what your goons have done to her, and I refuse for you to hurt her in any way, shape or form."

"Pixie, while that's not my intention, there is no way you can get passed me without your magic." Heath smirked, and in the back of my mind I knew he was right.

"You have my best friend locked up in a cell. She had been punched in the face by a lyncan. Forgive me if I happen to seem a bit worried! I want to know why she's in a cell, there's no reason for it!"

Heath sighed, "She has information that I need to know." I gaped at him.

"Information? No she doesn't! She's just an innocent bystander! Rose has been with her the entire time, anything Summer knows Rose would know! And anything before them going to Paris I would've known, so why aren't you trying to get the information out of me? Hmm?" I glare at him, not budging on this.

Heath let out a heavy sigh, "I am not going to have this conversation with you." And with that he stalked off into the direction his goons were taking Summer. My jaw dropped. Did he just leave the conversation like that? Who the hell just leaves right smack in the middle of a conversation? Heath, that's who! I noticed that the rest of his pack had gone back to their conversations, leaving Rose to scurry over to me, and putting my jaw back in place.

"I'm sorry, did he just leave right in the middle of that argument? Did you see that? Am I hallucinating?" I let out to Rose, as I can see no one is bothered enough to listen in. You'd think with us being fairies and all that these lyncans would be more curious, but nope. I wonder if this thing happens often around here.

Rose shrugs, "Probably an Alpha Lyncan thing. Since he's probably older than dinosaurs, he probably thinks he can get away with it." The second Rose finished her sentence, every lyncan in hearing distance snapped their heads towards us and growled, ferociously at her. Rose shrinked back into me, while I scoffed at them.

"Y'all can shove your growling up your asses! We didn't ask to be here, so unless we can walk through that door unharmed and with our friend, we can say whatever the hell we like about your alpha!" I snarled at them, fed-up with this kidnapped feeling. I just wanted to find Summer and get the hell out of here, I am done with my gorgeous specimen of a mate. He's attractive enough, he'll find someone else. When I thought of that idea, a sharp pain hit me in the chest, and I frowned. What the hell?

Some lyncan come over to me, acting all tough, showing me his teeth, "Listen here, thing. You may be our alphas mate, but at the moment, you're not our Luna, nor part of this pack. So if we want to growl at you, we'll growl at you." He grinned, mercilessly, must be common around here, showing a golden tooth, which I grimaced at.

"I don't want to be a part of this pack, I don't want to be your god damned Luna, and I certainly didn't asked to be mated to your Alpha, so guess what? If I wanna kick your ass for growling at me, I will. Magic, or no magic." I growled out, proud I could sound just as threatening as these lyncans, even being a fairy. The lyncan just scoffed at me, clearly about to threaten me some more, when I noticed the door was basically just behind him. And guess who was just in front of him?


I smirked, inwardly, and grabbed Rose's wrist, who was right behind me.

"As joyful as these conversations are, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this one short. Farewell, dickward." And gave him a swift kick to the jewels, and rushed out before any lyncan could stop me. To be fair, I had the surprise of no one expecting us to escape, plus the poor lyncan I had kicked in the jewels was the only one close to the door, allowing Rose and I enough time to rush through the door and smash it closed. The anti-magic bricks and doors that they had used only allow everyone inside the inability to use magic, but anyone outside the house can use as much magic as they wish. It's kind of complicated to explain, but I was able to hold the door closed with magic, and stop anyone being able to break through the bricks and windows, but if I had tried to use magic to attack the bricks (like with a fireball) outside, it wouldn't of worked. Anti-magic warding is really complicated.

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