3years later

10 0 0

no hate to this fiction writing I'm not exactly the best writer but it worth a try, don't copy, I love this story alot and theres a lot more of this story where it comes from, hope you love it the way I do)

It Was 3 years later, now im graduating the most that im happy About graduating, is my party Cause im getting to see my crush again,the last time i saw him was my 15 birthday party aka, (quince) (In Spanish), he is mexican or hispanic ethier way never have i seen a guy so handsome in my life.
(Okay for now am going to Call him Louiz )the time and what we were doing.
It was four a Clock pm we were decorating the Salon aka . the place I am having my party, my dancers from my Quince Showed up early aka. my crush was there as well,the bad thing About it is that I was wearing a Strap Shirt and my hair in a bun with shorts , no makeup on at all l felt So ugly at the moment he was looking at me,its been so long since I saw his beautiful face his black hair, his natural hair was curly but when he puts gel its so beautiful,his eyes so brown and his teeth as white as snow,he was wearing a white T-shirt that shows his tattoos,four on his arm ,two on his chest ,wearing his grey joggers and black Nike's, I thought he would be weirded out the way I scanned him, he came towards me "hey! Its been forever" he hugged smiling me "yea its been a while" we let go to stop hugging, "well mm,we Kinda need your guys help, it doesn't Start till six just ask my mom what to do, you guys are really early" Louiz looks at me , I started to walk away, "where are you going?" he asked . I turned around "im going to get every thing ready for me" walking away more "I thought you were going to the party looking like that"I turned around "nope,you will regret u said that!" got in my Car went driving to my dentist to get my braces off,i got there , they called me in right away i told them it was a hurry to get them off so i Can do More things for the party , they started to take them off Slowly they Scratched the glue off , i got up and washed my teeth and brushed them aswell , the Cute doctor that took my braces Off "Carly got her braces Off!" they Started to clap I started to smile "what beautiful Smile you have" Still smiling "Thank you, I have to go thank you So much"the doctor took me out the door, I went to my car So i can go get my hair done,I got to the salon, the lady picked me i got up " Can you make me all lose Curls all the way down try your best to make me look good as ever,up to 75$"I smiled At her, "Okay we are going to make you a gorgeous women, that the guys will go after you"i sat down for her to do my hair (a hour Later).
Looked at my hair it was beautiful " its beautiful i love it So much thank you" i payed her Seventy- five dollars, "Thank you young lady", then right when i got to my Car , i went Straignt home to change, i had two things to wear today, the first one to wear was a baseball jersey in black Strips that Said flawless, with some black tights the next One is a dress
in red, i got home i changed fast, i took my dress With me so i can get to Saphora for them to do my makeup, it doesn't Cost alot its 50$ onlY, finally I got there Sat on the Chair "what Kind of color would you like on your eyes?" She asked me Looking at the table with all the colors there,"mm gold into silver and black",she got all the brushes ready to go then she got a bottle"okay,where do you have the most oily ?" She had a cream or something that was clear on her index finger,"my eyelids there very oily" .........
THE REST OF THE TIME JUST ClOSED EYE'S Waiting till she was done "do not Make my eyebrows too filled in and not too much foundation" I felt her taking some foundation off,"okay,I get you, how you don't like too much make up,cause your skin is already beautiful as it is so you don't need allot of makeup"i opened my eyes, she was doing it so good "what kinda of lipstick color do you want?" "Red please" she put it on so beautifully just like the rest of my make up " thank you so much ..." Waiting for her to tell me her name "Abby, you look so beautiful, go get ur man" I was scared I was like" how did you know?" I Looking at her like what the heck girl " his name is louiz right yea ik you were going to tell me his name soon or later go get him girl, wait one thing before you go" she gives me the lipstick" here I'll pay for it girl go get him he diserves you " I ran then I ran back and pays her 50$ "can I have ur phone number" she puts it in my phone " there you go" she looks at me " ill text you everything about it" I walked away "keep in mind that something special is going to happen carly!"I ran away going to my car fast is I could, it was close to the time of the party that was about start.
Getting to the place where having my party, i was waiting to see his reaction of the transformation of me from four to six a clock, I looked everywhere but not the restroom he was probably in there, a few minutes later he came out of the the restroom with his green shirt with a tucked in black slacks, with a belt that said his name and last name, I was putting the decorations on the tables, he came towards me "I regret what i said earlier" he got closer " why?" He was looking at my lips "cause your gorgeous right now",he was about to go in for a kiss but I stepped back one "later okay I don't know yet, but thank you,your so hot today my gosh" .
People started to arrive, music started playing ,me and louiz were sitting at a table.
Finally food started to get passed around, while I was sitting at the table with me and him and the dancers, "can we do the dance from my quince louiz?" He looks at me in worry "yea you wanna practice in the back very quick" I got up"sure but you still have the music right?" He got up as well "yea I still do its good memories" we started heading towards the back kinda where the kitchen was "okay 5,6,7,8" we started to dance " I don't want to make a mistake Louiz, in quince I messed up so bad, I want to replace that memory with his one if its better" we rehearsed it two times "okay I think we are ready" he said ,we went to the middle just me and him one of he dancers put his laptop with the DJ to put the songs on, the song started and so did we, it ended four mintues later,everyone started to clap,then a Mexican song came on after that louiz gave a signal off the guys to get some girls to go dance with,they all got some girls to dance with.
(Okay I'm going to skip a bit)
Me and him been dancing for a while he was very tired I wasn't at all, I got my cousin and started to dance,then the line dancing came up he was dancing with me side to side, there was a lot line dancing songs to dance to cupid shuffle the clap ur hand thing, me and him sat down, he got up " don't get up"he said ,he went towards his friend and told him something his firend smiled, I wonder what he said to him, he got my hand to dance half a slow song , then I saw his friend with the DJ ,when the song ended we ,ended up in the middle of the dance floor with everyone gone.
The DJ put the song on marry me by Jason durelo " awe I like this song it reminds me that i will never get married cause I'm a loner" I said in a funny tone of voice he let's go of my hips, I take my head off his shoulder and my arms around his head, he knees down "oh my gosh, really, oh my god,Louiz" he looks at me takes a box's out opens it " cat I been waiting so long to ask you this,never have I been so in love with someone in my entire life ,I love you Carly, will you make me the happiest man on earth, will you marry me?"

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