3 Years Earlier..

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Going to McAllen its been months since my quince\party, "im going to drop you off call Me as fast as you can to pick you up there's bad people around this area even at night mama" we were getting close " okay mom I'll be okay don't worry,I'm in then I'm out"
Then she dropped me off at the front of the studio, i got down the car with two hats and a envelope,i went walking to the door noone was there i was like hell ya!
I hold the door took a big breath then walked in,herbert was there i went towards her " is louiz here?" She looks at me "yea he is in his room" i started walking " thank you" i went to his room he was rehearsing with a girl i decided to sit down and watch, he was dancing with her he noticed me all of a sudden  he messed up a few step from the dance routine, once he noticed me he kept on smiling towards my way i looked down to get my phone and text my mom saying louiz is going to take me home, even tho I didn't know if he would agree so if not am die walking home, the song ended, he smiles, the girl gets her bag and goes up to louiz and kisses his cheek"see you next time right?" He looks at her and nodded but kinda not with a smile she left the room closed the door with a suspicious look on her face.


I got up "mm here you go" gave him the hats and the envelope,he sat down next to his laptop " thank you" He looks up "your welcome" he brings me close with his arms "thank you cat" he hugged me his arms around my waist and his head kinda on my stomach and my breasts i put my arms on his back he unhugged me i kneed down looking at him "so i guess ill see you in three years" he smiles " why?" Gets a bit close "cause im graduating"he goes for a kiss i back away "what are you doing?" He looks down "i like you i thought you did too" i put my hands on his lap " i do " i went in for a kiss,he was kissing back as well we stopped after a few seconds "he gets up "you wanna dance again your song one last time?" I got up " yea sure, i been practicing it but better" we started dancing ,i tried to dance a bit sexy but you know i tryed then after that he put a song called nota de amor it started off soft then it got to the mexican dancing ,then it got to the soft part again he picked me up then the mexican part came up he didnt let me down he went to the door and locked it ,right when that song ended other music started to play he sat against the wall with me on top of him , he put me closer to him to his chest i put my head on his right shoulder/ his chest,my arms around his waist "your beautiful" i said to him,i saw him smile " your adorable" i went in for another kiss like a peck he went in for a make out,then Herbert knocked on the door "louiz you in there?" He took me off him slowly but gently "yea,I'm just talking to Carly" he gets up "sure louiz ,shoving ur tongue down her throat,cause that's 100% conversation" in a sarcastic tone, he opens the door "just don't say anything till I can" he stops cause he knows I'm listening to there conversation, he turns around " I'll be back okay" him and her go out the room closes the door beside him "till I can figure everything out" he continued saying "but you are single louiz" they keep talking " that's not the only thing I love her,the way we danced together,the way she looked at me every time she came,even right now she still looks at me like I love you" ,"then ask her out date her louiz","I can't cause if I want to have you know with her I can get arrested", "if you go out with her and don't want to make it a secret just wait,cause what if her parents hear that your dating her daughter and they dont approve ,things are going to go down,well you mite have to be on the down low till she is 18 or 17 till its a big a official, if you don't wanna lose her your going to have to wait, you can make it a official with her but not in public maybe on the media even tho you deleted all of our media how about Kik, put her name on ur Kik and Snapchat ,you can put her name out cause so she can know you love her, but not her age cause that can lead you to arrest" I started getting tired of it I just wanted to be with him ,my parents wouldn't care my grama married my gramps that was 10years older than her,louiz is 4years away that is not fair.
I just went to go sit down towards the wall to listen, "well I'll find a way, I'm not losing her" they continue "well she is still kinda a kid louiz are you sure this is a good idea?,like you have to take her to school,she is small you can destroy her" she laughs but I don't hear him laugh until I hear a shove or something then he laughed that's when I started to cry I looked down at my knees that were bended,louiz came through the door he didn't see me yet " I have to go see ya tomorrow louiz" he waves goodbye "see ya " he closes the door locks it "hey,hey you okay" I look up "hey hey hey I'm not okay" in fat Albert's voice ,he laughs "Bab talk to me" I look at him ,and kissed him he stopped me "why?" Looking into his eyes "you called me bab" he goes for another kiss,kept on going he got on top of me he put my strap down,I stopped kissing him "nope" crawled out of there , going to his laptop "where you going?, come back here" in a friendly tone of voice, I went through his play lists for a slow song in Spanish called corazon sin Cara by prince Royce, I think in English its called heart has a face.
    I got up,he got up, coming towards me he ends up right infront of me,he kinda like knees down to kiss me again,he picks me up starts to kiss again,he stops kissing me,he went to his computer closed it,kisses me again   stops again to open the door he went in a room to get something ,then got out ,he went and opened a door and went up stairs to the roof top he pushed the thing and he put a blanket on the roof ,he kneed down to try to lay down but I still had my legs around him "dam you can hold on tight" he looks at me he squishs me aka lays on me "ow your squishing me" he gets on his knees "now you had to let go" he was on top of me kissing my neck leaving a hicky near my back neck " did you leave me a?" He stops and looks at me "yea,I did am sorry" looking into his eyes and his beautiful smile"continue" he gets a condom out of his pants "woah where did you get that from?" He looks at me " from the room he went in ,I got the blanket and the pillow,  and that" I got out from the bottom "you think you can have sex with me?" I sat down he sat down as well "no, I'm sorry it looked  that way" he looks down sad "I'm sorry I just can't I'm still a virgin" he looks up surprised with his eyebrows up "so I'm I" he says looking me straight in my eyes,without making nothing else in contact "I wanna believe you but I don't know ,can you call someone who knows your sex life?" He gets his phone out " well maybe herbert or KW he knows everything and also ester,so which one?", looking into his eyes " KW, wait no ester,I trust her".
     He gets his phone out, dials her number puts it on speaker for me to hear,"ester?",I hear a her breathe "oh sorry yea was up?" I looked at him he was looking straight at me, "can I ask you a question?" I said to her through the phone still looking at him, "yeah sure" she said, "okay, has louiz ever had sex before like ever ?" I said slowly so she cause hear it "no, he's been saving him self for the right girl thats what he told me when I asked him that question along time ago" she said in a serious way like she was busy "thank you very much I dont wanna bother you continue what u were doing" I said to her "its okay dont worry ur welcome by the way, are you with him right now ?" she said " yeah,I just wanted to know cause I'm a virgin and I dont wanna lose mine to a guy that lost it to another girl" I said to her in a fast tone of voice "yeah he is a complete virgin I swear on my life" she said "I believe you and trust you thats why I called you" I said "yeah well I'm glad you called me cause I would tell you the truth " she said "well goodnight ester " I said "goodnight " I hung up and lied down "you sure ? " he said looking at me worried "I'm very sure I sat up and got his shirt and he got on top of me started to kiss me i took his shirt off his took mine off that only left me with a sports bra on he took all my bottom clothes off he took all his bottom clothes off for me " you still sure?" He said he sat down next to my body putting the condom on "yes, just go slow please" I said to him he got back on me too king into my eyes.
"I will" he said and kissed me he started to kiss my neck he used his hand to put it in me, he went slow up and down " you okay?" He said worried and bit his lip "yeah I'm okay just hurting a little bit " I said holding on the pillow tight, there was no one around there's no houses just stores that are all closed and no one in them, I was biting my lip hard and started to moan "ah" I said not very loud but for him to hear only he started to go a bit faster " ur doing fine ? " he said slowing down " yes" I said in a moaning way " can you go deeper " he did what I told him what to do I got a hold of his back he went deeper and harder I started to scratch his back "ah, please, dont stop" I moaned to him, he went slowly now and started to kiss my neck and lips he got tired he lied down next to me I got on top of him started to kiss him with passion " Im sorry I left you scratches on you" I said looking into his eyes and lips "don't be sorry I loved it and I love you I won't forget it, it was amazing" he said and Kissed my lips 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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