Timeline of the World's Known History

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Below is the timeline and order of history. I will not explain all of it, as there are even things I do not know. Within these events there will small sections where I will conduct extensive explanation of an aspect of the world. 

The dates are sorted into Eras where a certain phase happened in the flow of time. The sequence of the years do not add up. For instance, Year 500 of the Third Era and Year 1200 of the Fourth Era does not mean that 1700 years passed. An Era is to simply say a time period, not a new beginning.

First Era-Creation of the Two Forces. 

Second Era-Year 0-Harnessing of Chaos

Second Era-Year 100-Discovery of the Ember of Order

Second Era-Year 150-Conflict of the Two Siblings

Second Era-Year 200-Spread of the Studies of Magicks

Second Era-Year 225-"Death" of Aedrir, Creation of the Relics

Second Era-Year 250 to 251-Battle against Isco, Death of Isco and Shayvin

Third Era-Year 252-Creation of the Angel Race

Third Era-Year 275 to 350-War of the High Heavens, Division of the Otherworld

Third Era-Year 600 to 610-Tu'La Lycan Plague

Third Era-Year 610 to 612- Creation of the First Meif'was 

Third Era-Year 615 to 628-Mei'fa Rebellion, War of the Beasts

Third Era-Year 730-Unification of the Elven Clans

Third Era-Year 750-Colonisation of Ash'vaad and Trozor

Third Era-Year 783-Birth of Shad'ar, the Last Demon Prince.

Third Era-Year 804-Great Dragon Purge

Third Era-Year 1000-Formation of the Arcane Council

Fourth Era-Year 1067 to 1302-War of Seven Races

Fourth Era-Year 1311-Death of the Elven Pantheon

Fourth Era-Year 1329 to 1400-Purge of the Divine

Fourth Era-Year 1472-Birth of Irene

Fourth Era-Year 1482-Birth of Kalu Stormbringer (me)

Fourth Era-Year 1511-Death and Ascension of Irene

Fourth Era-Year 1599-Shad'ar's Exile

Fourth Era-Year 1625 to 1627-First Wrath of Shad'ar

Fifth Era-Year 1700-Abdication of Irene

Fifth Era-Year 1731 to 1768-Arcane Civil War

Fifth Era-Year 1772 to 1775-Second Wrath of Shad'ar

Fifth Era-Year 1780-Crowning of Araz

Fifth Era-Year 1788 to 1803-Demon Invasion, Fall of the Three Kingdoms

Sixth Era-Year 1856-Death of Lanu the Sky Shaker

Sixth Era-Year 1871 to 1876-Dragon-Human War

Sixth Era-Year 1880-Formation of the Divine Region Alliance

Sixth Era-Year 1895-Resurrection of Thantoras the Demon Warlock

Sixth Era-Year 1900 to 1911-War of the Sorcerers

Sixth Era-Year 1934 to 1935-Third Wrath of Shad'ar

Sixth Era-Year 1941-Dark Ascension of Shad'ar

Sixth Era-Year 1945 to 6845-Last Wrath of Shad'ar (War of the Magi)

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