Accidents turn in to meeting

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Charlie pov

" i cant stop thinking about her she is so intoxicating"

"Shit" Charlie sat in his tech class cutting wood when he cuts part of his finger very deep.

" Charlie what have u done now go to the nurse immediately "said Mr Addmass.

"Oh great just what i need "

Hannah's pov

" Charlie ! Them 7 sweet letters "

"Fuck" Hannah lands flat on the stone ground in PE by getting hit in the face by a ball .

" Hannah ! That looks bad you need to go to the nurse now ! " said Miss Bagton.

"Oh great just what i need"

Charlie pov

" Nurse i am in need of medical assistance i have cut my finger in tech very deep "

"Of course .... Well this could use some stitches".

(5 minutes later ) " There you go all done "

" Thanks nurse "

He gets up to leave but stands still in his spot , he stares at a face with a huge bruise , he stares in anger .

" oh hello Hannah what can i help you with even though i can already see the problem. "

Hannah and Charlie's eyes stay glued together not moving at all .

strange feelings..... and Charlie  / BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now