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Selena's POV

"What?" I yell at my parents while standing up with my hands up in shock and wide eyes.

"You're getting married if you like it or not and that's final." My dad said in a cold tone and I just raged.

I walked upstairs and sat down on my bed. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?
A new life, a new guy, a new country, and a new  house. Ughh why?

My job is fucked, my life is fucked.
I hope it's some nice guy and not some dumbass jerk that fucks everyone.
Well that's happening.

Then, I heard a knock at my door and I groan."Come in." I said and rolled my eyes. My mom walked in with a weak smile and sat on my bed."pack your bag, we are going to London tomorrow. You're going to meet the guy." My mom said and I nodded slowly while sighing at the same time.

She left and I was sat on my bed thinking of what my life is going to be. Well guess it time to pack for London. I stand up and walk into closet. I take out my suitcase and start to pack. This is going to be long trip, at least that's what I think. Let's just hope the guy is nice and sweet.

Simon's POV

"What? I'm not doing that." I yelled in front of my parents and stood up.

" yes you are young man. It's better for you and you know the tradition in our family, you get married when you're 23." My dad harshly and I just wanted to bang my head on a fucking wall.

I walked back to my old room and sat down. I grabbed a Xbox controller and opened Fifa. I can't believe they didn't even ask me. They didn't even tell me who the fucking girl is. That's why arranged marriages are illegal and not allowed in America.  I hate my life.

What if this girl is slutty and a thot?
Maybe the girl will be nice and funny. Ughh I have to be a husband. That's so much responsibility put on top of me.

What about my YouTube career? That's my life, my everything. I have to focus on that more than anything. What if my parents and the girl want kids?
Omg! That would suck. I mean I love kids and all, but I'm not ready to be a dad. Not having my kids for a long time. I just really wanna know who the girl is.

I heard a knock and the door and I sighed."doors open." I said  loudly and the door opened to reveal my brother Nick." Bro, just wanted to tell you that the girl and her family are coming over for dinner . You guys are going to meet for the first time and get to know each other. Apparently she's nice." Nick said and sighed. I nodded sighing and he left. I sat back thinking.

Well tomorrow is definitely going to be nerve racking and interesting. I'm going to meet my wife and her parents. What if she doesn't like me? What if she's bitchy? What If she's one of those girls who just uses you for money? What if she's addicted to shopping and makes me do that with her all day? What If she's ugly on the inside?

No Simon! Stop! You're just stressing yourself for nothing. She might be nice and sweet. She might be a cool girl with a cool personality.I kinda hope she's good looking, but that's not what matters. It's her personality that really matters and her manners.

I guess tomorrow is the  time to get ready and make myself decent of my future wife. I just sat on my bed thinking till I start to fall asleep slowly. After a while, sleep knocked me out and I was sleeping like a baby after a play date.

First/Short chapter.
This is just the beginning.
I promise future chapters will be longer and more descriptive than this one.
Hopefully you enjoyed!

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