Snow Upon Berlin

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  Paul stood alone at the window of the apartment he shared with Richard, gaze resting upon the peaceful scene outside; the sky was dark, made all the darker by a thick covering of clouds spanning the night. Snowflakes drifted their way down onto the street below, thick and white and fluffy, each flake settling upon the ground, stacking one upon the other until all was muffled in their cold embrace. He sighed, and hugged himself, hands rubbing against his upper arms in sympathy with the winter scene outside; whilst his vampiric senses had robbed him of all sensations of heat or cold, he still could sympathise with those around him, still pretend the act of being human when the situation begged it.

Across the street, he could see strings of brightly coloured fairy lights draped in other apartments and houses alike, Christmas trees blinking cheerily on and off with the more of the same lights; he even could see the foil cheer of tinsel and piles of gaily wrapped presents through the windows of those apartments foolish enough to leave their curtains open, unaware that thier abodes were fair game for prying vampire eyes.

The only concessions to the holiday season that the vampires had made, was to hastily erect a scrappy tree in the corner of their living room which Pual had literally thrown a handful of tinsel at, in the hopes that the glittering strands would stick against piney branches in some semblance of prettiness. Richard had been a little more careful in stacking the neatly wrapped presents beneath the tree, patting every single one with a smile as though imagining Paul's response to each gift. Paul's own gifts, while not quite so neatly wrapped as Richard's, did at least show some signs of having been pored over; Paul had taken more time with them than he had the tree.

A slight sound came from behind Paul then, too quiet to have been picked up by human ears and he smiled, to himself; Richard's approach was graceful and predator silent, little more than a passage of wind and magic against Paul's skin. He didn't flinch when Richard's hands descended upon his hips, lips and fangs following soon after to nuzzle against Paul's neck. Paul arched back into Richard's touch with a loud purr, one hand rising to hook against the back of his lover's head.

He felt Richard chuckle against him, the soft nip of his fangs sliding lovingly into his throat; Richard was gving him the most intimate of vampire kisses and Paul tilted his head to the side, baring his throat to his lover and giving him the trust he deserved to touch him there. Richard's hands tightened upon his hips and his fangs slid deeper into his flesh and Richard sucked hungrily at Paul's throat, each suck seeming to pull deep within Paul's body and his cock began to grow hard. He moaned, arousal clear in his tone and he wriggled harder against Richard's body, a purling request for more easing past his lips. Richard snuffled against him and his fangs eased from his flesh, replaced by the soft press of a more normal kiss against Paul's swiftly knitting wound. Richard sighed, but he did little more than continue nuzzling against Paul's throat, sucking bruises into his skin, that Paul knew would heal long before they reached Till's apartment; he felt disappointed at that, because he wanted the others to know what Richard had been doing to him, wanted them to know he'd been claimed and was loved.

"What are you thinking, Paulchen?" Richard murmured, in amusement as he continued to nuzzle lovingly against Paul. "You're being unusually quiet."

"I want you to claim me," Paul said, with his usual forthright abandonment whenever it came to Richard.

Richard mumured out a note of interested approval at that, as he drew away far enough to stare at Paul at close range.

"Claim you how?" he asked, and his interest warmed his tone and sparked in his eyes like a living thing.

"Leave your bruises and bites against my skin so all can see them," Paul siad, as he turned in Richard's arms so that he could face him properly. "But they'll heal far too fast for that."

Snow Upon Berlin (A Vampires in Berlin One Shot) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora