Kozume Kenma X reader

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"Hello! Welcome to the Tokyo Animal Shelter! How can I help you?" You said as a timid looking boy walked into the shelter accompanied by another boy with a mess of black hair. The taller boy pushed the timid one up to the counter you were standing behind, he looked around the lobby behind looking at his feet "I'd like to look at cats" he mumbled the last part so you could really hear him. You leaned over the counter to get closer to him and asked "I'm sorry could you say that again" The tall boy nudged him with his elbow "look at people when you talk to then Kenma~" he said in a teasing tone. Taking you by surprise Kenma looked straight into your (eye color) eyes with his golden cat like eyes "I'd like to look at cats please" he said quickly. You were too mesmerized by his golden eyes and ended up staring at him and making him uncomfortable, his shifted his gaze back to his feet and stepped back from the counter. You snapped out of your day dream and apologized quickly "o-oh! I'm very sorry I didn't mean to stare I just love your eyes!" You laughed awkwardly while his tall friend smirked down at Kenma who was still interested in his shoes little did you know he was red al, the way to his ears. "If you follow me this way I can show you to the cat room!" You said as you walked out from behind the counter leading the two boys down the hallway to the cat room. As you approached the door that was decorate with little cat stickers you turned to the two boys and told them the rules to the cat room they both nodded agreeing to the rules. You opened the door and a chorus of meows went off, a lot of people prefer dogs over cats so these cats usually don't get a lot of attention. The two boys followed you into the room a couple of cats ran up to you and rubbed against your leg begging for attention. You smiled and scooped up one of the cats holding it and stroking it affectionately. "Most of the cats in here are very friendly and they are all neutered or spayed" you said as the boys wondered over to certain cats. The tall one picked up a toy and started playing with the cats, he smiled as the cats pawed at the air trying to get the toy. You put the cat you had in your arms down and started to check the room, making sure the cats had what they needed. You watched as Kenma sat down and waited for the cats to approach him, most of cats wanted to play or they were sleeping but it looked like Kenma just wanted a cat to sit next to him. "Um excuse me Kenma-San was it?" You asked as you walked over to him "what kind of qualities are you looking for in a cat?" Kenma looked up at you then back at the cats around the room "I want a nice one...that'll just relax with me..while I play games." He said as he looked back up at you for a few seconds then went back to looking at the cats. You thought about the cats in the room seeing if any would fit what he wanted "OH!" You shouted scaring Kenma and the cats in the process "oh shoot I'm sorry but I just remembered we have a cat who would be perfect for you" you walked over to one of the cat condos, using a chair you got to the highest part of it and reached inside pulling out a blonde and brown cat who looked like it was sleeping. With the cat in hand you walked over to Kenma and set it down next to him. The cat inspected Kenma sniffing his hand and arm, it decided to let Kenma pet it's head and it started purring. You saw Kenma crack a small smile as the cat crawled into his lap and went back to sleep. You smiled and blushed at the adorable sight in front of you, you loved helping people find their perfect pet match. "I think we found your cat Kenma" his tall friend said as he held a cat in his arms as well "I think I found one too" You laughed and smiled at them both "great! I'll get you guys crates, their papers and some food! All you have to do is sign some papers and they're all yours!" The boys followed you back to the lobby and signed the papers as their new cats meowed in their crates wondering what was going on. You stuck a finger into the crate of Kenma's cat, it was always one of your favorite cats "I'm gonna miss you little P" you said to yourself "you named the cat?" Kenma asked you blushed and laughed "u-um yeah haha I gotta pretty attached to this one" as you signed the adoption papers with your name finalizing them Kenma's tall friend pushed him to the counter again. Kenma sent down the crate and rubbed the back of his awkwardly "uh um what did you name the cat?" He asked glancing at the floor and then back to you. You smiled at him "well I called him pudding but I liked to call him little P too" Kenma nodded then looked back at his tall friend who gave him a crooked smile Kenma then out his phone on the counter "if it's okay with you can we exchange emails...so if I have any questions I can ask you directly....and maybe you can come visit pudding" he said as he blushed and looked at the floor. You blushed as well but smiled excitedly a boy just asked for your number!!!! No way!!! "ID LOVE TO!" You said a little too loud as you took the phone and put your information in. Kenma took the phone back thanking you and walked out with his new cat as his tall friend patted him on the back you heard him say "good job man you did it. Not so bad right?" As Kenma walked out the door he turned around and gave you a little wave, you waved back and smiled. Hopefully he'd text you soon
After your shift at work
You were sitting on your couch at home watching tv as your hyper cat ran through the room chasing a laser toy you had in your other hand. You put the toy down as you heard your phone buzz it was a text from an unknown number
From: Kozume Kenma
To: (y/n)-San
                       Hello (y/n)-San this is Kenma. I'm the one who adopted pudding.
                                             Thank you for helping me find him.
Attached to the messaged was a picture of pudding laying on Kenma lap's and next to Kenma's lap was a hand held game system one that you had as well you smiled as you texted a reply back to him, you grabbed your cat quickly and put her next to your face as you smiled and took a picture quickly before she jumped out of your hands
                                                          To:Kenma-Kun =^.^=
                                                                     From: (y/n)
                    Hey Kenma-kun! Pudding looks like he loves it with you! I'm glad you two got to become friends~ ^.^ look I've got a cat too! Her name is (cats name) maybe we can set up a kitty cat play date! Btw I have that game system as well (favorite game title) is what I like to play the most! Ps just call me (y/n)!

You sent the picture of you and (cat name) along with the message. You held your phone in your hand as you waited for his reply which didn't take very long
From: Kozume Kenma
To: (y/n)
                                      I'd like that very much (y/n). Have a good night...
                                           You and (cats name) are both cute. Good night.

You jumped up and did a happy dance. Best. Job. EVER!!! 

Hope you guys liked it! <3

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