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   Your P.O.V

   Mother woke me up by the sound of her voice screaming.

   "(Y/N), (F/N) and (A/F's/N) are here to see you!" (F/N)=Friend's name and (A/F's/N)= Another friends name.) 

   "Okay!" I yelled back groggily.

   As I got up I looked in the mirror to see an awful version of myself staring back at me. The baggy pajamas and hair that was on my head didn't help my appearance any. Sine (F/N) and (A/F's/N) were already here I couldn't exactly take a shower. So I quickly stripped of my pajamas and picked out a plain (F/C) shirt and a pair of old jeans that had two holes on the left leg. Now...the hair. You quickly brush it out and put it in a loose bun thinking it looked quite cute.(If you have short hair do whatever you want with it :)

   As I entered the room (F/N) teased you on how long you took, while (A/F's/N) looked like she could barely hole in her excitement.

   "GUESS WHAT!?" (A/F's/N) practically screamed.

   "What." you said with confusion hinting in your voice.

   "WE GET TO MOVE TO L.A." They screamed at the top of their lungs in unison. 


   The thought of my favorite came into mind. Markiplier....what if was close to were you lived. I knew for sure I was fangirling on the inside but I was unaware if on the outside. Both (F/N) and (A/F's/N) were staring at me weirdly so I decided to drop my thoughts of Markiplier.

   "SO....when do we go..." I said with excitement still in my voice.

   "YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!"(F/N) said with excitement.


   "Yep!" (A/F's/N) said to you reassuringly.

   " is paying for the apartment and plane tickets....NOT TO MENTION MY BIRTHDAY IS LIKE 2 DAYS AWAY!"

   "Well.....consider it my gift for the plane tickets and (F/N) for the first month rent. Now since your birthday is two days away we came to help you pack!"

   "THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH...YOU GUYS ARE MY THE GREATEST FRIENDS EVER!" You screamed at the top of you lungs.

   "You're welcome they said in unison."

~~~~~~~~~~~~An amazing skip in time just like you are Marty McFly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  

    It had been almost the whole entire day of just packing. (F/N) and (A/F's/N) were staying the night with you as they did many times before. Although you didn't see why they stayed at your place when they were actually out of the parents house and living in an apartment together, unlike me who one the other hand stayed with my mother and father.

   As morning rolled around you saw your two best friends sleeping on the floor as if this was a sleep over you would've had when you were in elementary school. Then you remembered that tomorrow you were moving to L.A. with your best friends from Kindergarten. And maybe the chance of seeing the semi-famous person of your dreams...Markiplier.

   As everyone seemed to be getting up I finished the small breakfast I had made for us all, it consisted of hand sized pancakes, bacon, sausage, somewhat burnt toast with overcooked scrambled eggs, and some apple juice in the fridge that was about to expire, but no one needed to know that small detail.

   Mom and Dad announced that they had took they day off to spend with myself and my childhood friends. After you all ate breakfast we went to the mall and mom had given me a chunk of money for a small shopping spree. After that we went to watch a movie that dad called a 'chick-flick'.

  When we all had exited the movie theater it was dusk.(F/N) and (A/F's/N) had gone off to there soon to be old apartment to make sure they were ready for the flight at 8:00 in the morning. As mom, dad, and I gather into our home dad approaches me with a small smile in his face.

  "I have one more birthday present for you, (Y/N)!"

   "Okay you got me..WHAT IS IT." You said screaming the last part.

     Just then mom comes in with her computer with (car/truck of your choice) outside of an apartment building. As you stare at the picture with amazement dad hands me a pair of keys.

   "THANKYOUGUYSSOMUCH!"I say talking quickly as I leap into their arms.

   With that I headed to bed waiting for tomorrow to come. As soon as I shut my eyes my alarm clock goes off telling you to get your lazy ass up. You grab all your bags and carry them to the living room cautiously so you still could enter smoothly through the door. The familiar smell of bacon entered your nose as you wandered to the kitchen sleepily because you were still tired.

   Mom handed me a plate of bacon and something that looked like a breakfast casserole. I quickly ate the bacon and unknown substance. As you put your plate in the plate in the dishwasher you had a text from (A/F's/N) telling you they were coming to get me. Dad was about to walk out the door but stopped once he was beside me.

   "Now (Y/N), I love you call me as soon as you get in California, and be careful......please."

   "I promise not to be stupid. No walking around the streets at night, getting in street fights, neither taking rides from strangers! I get Father I am 26 years old now,I believe I can handled myself. I love you dad." I said as I entered his arms

   And with that he was off to work. Mom came and kissed my head wishing me luck and saying her goodbyes.There was a knock on the door. I opened to see one excited (F/N). She helped you carry my luggage out to the car putting the two bags in the rather large trunk.

  As I was going through the metal detector I thinking to myself if I couldn't believe that I was moving to L.A. With that thought the secretary  announced that your plane was now letting people.  

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