Yeah, I really needed that.

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Theo leads me back to his apartment despite my protests. I sit in the deck chair on his deck while he makes up some sort of excuse to tell the boys. I look at the cream colored guitar on my lap. Theo told me I could occupy myself with it but it just sits on my lap doing nothing. Oh wait, I'm supposed to play it. Well I don't feel like it at the moment.

He comes out on deck with the other guys behind him. "I'm in trouble." he said, rubbing the back of his neck cheekily. "What did he tell you?" I ask Zach. "He said Rue died." Zach tells me. Rue is the poodle I told you about earlier. And he died is just a ridiculous cover-up story. "You didn't get into trouble for lying." I tell him. "You got into trouble for lying baldly." "Oh happy already aren't we?" he asked. "Oh shut up" I tell him.

"I wanna practice with you guys." I said. I know you're looking at me like crazy because I wouldn't let Theo know I play but I need a distraction. What would you do if you found out your dad was cheating on your mom with a whore? "You play?" Theo asks mock surprised. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity but blushed a little. The boys looked at me, waiting for an answer. "Yeah, I do." I say and get up, holding the guitar in my hand. "What song are you very good at?" A dark haired boy asks me. "Beautiful day. By Jamie Grace." I said. Beautiful day is my all time favorite though I'm not what you would call religious.

We go inside and the boys all wait at their instruments while I prepare to play the song. I pull my hair from under the strap and tie it in a ponytail. "Oh come on, just get it over with it." Theo says. I do the mature thing and stick my tongue out at him. I start playing and by the time I'm halfway through the song, they have already caught the tune and are playing along. The fact that dad is cheating on mum doesn't mean I can't have fun. Other people's problems are not mine.

When we are done, Zach comes to congratulate me while Theo and his gang sits back and grin like the idiots they are. "Well done Chloe." he says and claps me on the back. "Thanks, I really needed that." I say and head back to my apartment.

This is going to be a long week.

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