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The sun slowly rose to the sky, pushing the dark blue night away so it could make way for bright colours, before they merged to show a clear sky with white fluffy clouds. The wind gently played with raven black hair, slightly brushing in his blue eyes which were fixated upon the rising sun. He gave a light shrug and a shake of his head to get his hair from his eyes, before he turned away from the sun and looked at his loyal companion. The dark brown horse, with white fur on the edges of each hoof, looked back at him. The white fur looked like socks, each a little higher than the other. A pale hand stroked the brown fur, before going through the black and golden coloured mane. He spoke to the horse, so quietly only the creature could hear him, but he saw the ears twitch at his words and the majestic beast gave a soft whinny in answer.

He gave a soft smile, before placing a foot in the stirrup and hoisting himself up in the saddle. He stroked the elegant neck of the horse again, giving one last look at the sun, before he pressed his heels into the horse's belly. "Mitsuzõ, go", he whispered and the animal gave an instant reaction at the call of its name, which meant Moonlight or just Moon. The hooves drummed upon the grassy ground, the wind following the duo towards places never seen before.

The young male, aged 22, wore a blue shirt above loose leather pants in a cream colour and dark brown leather boots. A hunting knife was secured to a golden brown leather belt around his waist, the silver belt buckle glistering in the early sunlight. A large sword had been secured to a belt around his torso, the weight of the weapon heavy upon his back, but also comfortable in a safe-feeling kind of way. His pale skin was like the moon and he wouldn't gain a tan, even though he had already spend his whole life beneath the sun; fighting to survive. His raven hair would blow into his face as the wind played with it, the black bangs would sometimes obscure the sight from his light blue eyes, the colour of the sky above them.

His name? Rivaille, the one with the untamed heart. The one who travelled the world and went where the wind brought him and his only companion Mitsuzõ. Rivaille's heart leaped at the sound of hooves drumming on the earthen ground as they rode towards new places. Nobody would catch him, nobody could. His wild heart was free and would always remain so, still... Mitsuzõ slowed to a trot as the ground around them filled with corpses. Light blue eyes looked around at giant skeletons already melting to ashes, the smell that of a hundred sewers. Mitsuzõ whinnied softly, the uncomfortable thick cloud of death eating away at their nerves.

They halted in front of stone walls on either side of their road. Rivaille felt his skin crawl as the wind continued to push him towards the walls, which emitted the feeling of being unwanted. It felt like a cage to him and he would never be caged. Nobody would hold him, his heart was free. He was free.

Still, the wind pushed him towards new places. This time however, as their day of travelling nearly concluded, it was towards a cage in the form of a big ass wall.

Note:i updated the Prolog through my awsome beta who took the time with me and fixed my errors

please visit her side, she writes amazing storys :

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