Chapter 1

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"Ringgggggg" everyone was in class except for 2 students Spencer a talented, smart, and beyond gorgeous girl, and a hot bad boy jock named Brandon. Those two never met before. They were two different people until this day. "Uph" Spencer said as she was falling down with her books spread accrossed the school floor. "Ouch" Brandon said as he looked up at Spencer and thought to his self wow she is gorgeous. He snaped out of his train of thought and said he was so sorry and picked up her books and handed them back. As they both stood up He said "Im Brandon" "i know you I'm not a fan." Spencer said descusted "But im Spencer." and she walked away.

That night all Brandon could think of was Spencer. How she walked, talked, looked, smelled. Maybe He was in love? But He could never tell her. They were two different people. Spencer and Brandon arived at school at the same time. For a second they looked at each other Brandon smiled and Spencer walked away. They have almost the same classes together and they almost always sit by each other but 2 classes they sit on the opisite sides the closer Brandon is to her is the hardest not to expresse his feelings. The One reason why he won't tell is that He doesn't know if she feels the same But little does He know she does.

Spencer told her friends what she felt like when she looked at Brandon. All her friends said that He can get any girl in the school he's not going to chose you he probably would only date cheerleaders. Spencer didn't belive them she knew they had a connection but she was waiting for him to make the first move before she did.

The next day in science class they were assigned science partners and everyone got the people they wanted except Brandon and Spencer They were put together it just got awkward. They had to talk to each other face to face. Minutes passed and it was silent between them until Spencer came up with a science experiment They would make water float on water. Brandon said "that's a great idea but wouldn't they think it's a fake one?" "no they wouldn't because we are also going to film it." Spencer said with confidence. The One thing they were wierd about is that they have to go to Rach others house and hang out. Spencer got the confidence to ask Brandon to go to her house afer school.

Ding Dong the door bell rang Spencer was all dressed up with make up and her hair curled to impress Brandon. She opened the door and Brandon's eyes went wide and Spencer smiled. They were sitting at the table trying the stuff ready. Brandon got the camera ready and Spencer got the materials. They started the exsperiment........ They got it on the first try they see so excited. Spencer jumped into Brandon's arms and they spon around with excitement. When they relised what just happend Spencer droped and blushed and Brandon gave a short cough. Spencer asked is he would like to stay for a movie. Brandon ended up did cause he thought it would be a good idea so they could get closer.

It was morning and Brandon ended up staying the night on spencers couch with her in his arms. It was 2 hours until they had to go to school. Spencer woke up and seen what time it was and went back to sleep with no idea that Brandon was there. They both woke up and seen each other lying there in each others arms as of they were dating they both joted up off the couch blushing. Brandon borrowed some of Spencer's brothers clothes and Spencer got ready. Spencer got a ride from Brandon to school.

They were in science class and they became permanent science partners. They were both excited but didn't want to show it. Finally they were getting closer and closer by the day. Prom is coming soon and everyone is buying tickets and geting dates. Spencer hoped Brandon asked her to the prom. Brandon wanted to ask Spencer to the prom but He didn't know how He spent all night thinking how to.

Brandon Finally got an idea to ask Spencer to the Prom He will get huge flowers purple and white irises her favorite, And just ask her. It was lunch time and Brandon got the nerves to ask her. Spencer was siting in the far end table in the lunch room and Brandon walked in with the big bouquet and went up to Spencer and poped the question "Spencer will you go to prom with me?" Spencer said...........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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