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He stepped on the boat as a sense of calm fell over him. He was home it didn't matter where he was as long as he was on the water he felt safe, it was where he belonged. His love for fishing began at an early age. He would head out early before the sun would rise and travel across the oceans looking for where the fish swam freely and hungrily under the choppy waves. No storm could deter him from his mission it was his passion. This love would carry him past the rich fisherman who thought money could buy them skill, those who hid behind their money and charter captains. They had the money to afford the boats, expensive rods and reels, the camps, the baits, all the gadgets. But the one thing they didn't have was the passion, the heart, the innate skill, and the love for fishing. That is why the fisherman owns the water, they love one another with a gentle passion that only they can understand. This love calms the furious winds, the mighty waves, and the pilings that hide from view. This love keeps the fisherman safe.

So these are little things that I like to write when I get bored, They are usually about something that I see or feel. If you comment and ask I will actually explain what happened to make me write it because they are revolved around things I do. 


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