7.) Stalker

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*Ring Ring*
Hello Sweetheart.

Hello lost boy.

Sweetheart, what's my contact name on your phone?

Why are you so curious lost boy?

I'm not I was just wondering!

Calm down lost boy I'll tell you.


Your contact name is "lost boy " lost boy.

Aren't you creative sweetheart.

I do try lost boy. Now what's mine.

Yours is "Sweetheart".

You're not much more creative than I am lost boy!


Yes lost boy?

Are you ever going to tell me you're actual name?

Hmm let me think about that lost boy..

I hate you!

No you love me and maybe someday lost boy. For all I know you could still be a stalker!

Who'd want to stalk you!

Umm you?

*sighs* Sweetheart why would I want to stalk you?

Because you have a secret obsession with me and love me so much!

But I've never met you!

How would I know that! I don't know you're name!

But I don't know you're name either so how could I stalk you!

For all I know that could be a ploy!

Sweetheart you have problems.

Don't we all.

Goodbye Sweetheart.

Goodbye lost boy.


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