Chapter One: The Encounter

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This is a new story that I started on a whim, the uploads may not be very fast but I'm quite sure they'll be long. Thank you to anyone who reads this story.

I watched the passing cars through my window while humming along to a random song on Pandora. We were almost to Passaic, which is some city in New Jersey where we would be living. Ever since my father and mother split my mom had been talking about moving, starting fresh, all that lovely shit.

I never expected for her to actually do it. Not even 2 months ago my life was normal, I had a great boyfriend, good friends, my dance team, a home that I knew, and now it's all gone. Sure I can visit everyone but it doesn't beat living there. To top it off, Aaron, my now ex boyfriend, decided he didn't want to try long distance and instead ended it with me. Sadly, not even a week later word got out that he was dating Christina Rowland, the now captain of my dance team. Well ... it was mine.

My mom taps me on the shoulder trying to get my attention, "Clarissa," she calls.
"Hmm?" I reply.

"We're here honey," She gestures for me to look out the window.

Before me is a semi big house built with bricks, the shudders are a deep forest green color, and the path leading to the door is cobbled. I get out of the car and approach the door, my dog Lucy right behind me.
"This is our new home Lucy," I look down at her and I knew that she would have shrugged if she could.

My mom unlocks the door and we walk in. The front room is huge, I stand in shock for a bit. The floors are hardwood like our old house and the stairs are carpeted in a light beige nude color; the walls are an off white color that goes very well with the flooring and stairs.

It dawned on me then why my mom had bought all new furniture, ours would have never matched. Much To My surprise most of our stuff was already moved in, including our 70" inch flat screen TV that my mom had bought on a whim.

"Clarissa," my mom says catching my attention, "your room is the first one on the left, it's the other master bedroom." All I heard was master bedroom and I took off, Lucy in tow.

When I walked in I immediately fell in love. The walls were a light blue gray with white curtains and a nude gray colored carpet. The furniture my mom had gotten for me was black with silver accents.

The thing that really got my attention was the huge picture I took last summer when I went to Paris but it was all blown up. I had fallen in love with Paris and always been obsessed with it but to see my own picture of it on my wall brought me so much joy and for a second I began to think that maybe this new place wouldn't be so bad.

For awhile I lounged around and unpacked until my mom called me down for dinner.

"I figured the best thing we could get while we're settling in is pizza," she hands me a slice.

"Thanks mom. Have you found out if my new school has a dance team yet?" I ask my hope rising.

"Not yet but there's a studio nearby. Have you seen the basement yet? It's a great big area and it had hardwood floors so you can practice down there. We'll have your bar put down there, okay?"

I nod in response before grabbing a soda and taking a seat.
"The house looks great,"

"The back deck has a gorgeous view, and so does your deck,"

"I have a deck?! How did I not see that,"

"That's why I gave you that room, also it has a lot of closet space which is perfect for your clothing and stuff. Have you seen how big your bathroom is, mine is slightly bigger but you have a better shower in my opinion,"

"No not yet, I'll check it all out once I get back from my walk with Lucy."

Instead of responding she points to Lucy's leash and I call for her. The outside scenery is breathtaking, there's a lot of rivers and stuff around our house aswell as a forest. Before long I find myself in town.

It's actually really nice, there's a lot of stores that I recognized from home as well as new ones that looked appealing. Before long I found the studio my mom was planning on putting me in. "I'll look around next time," I say to no on in particular.

As I'm turning the corner to go home I run straight into another girl.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," she says.

For a second I don't respond and just look at her. She was gorgeous with blue eyes and her brown hair was pulled back in a messy bun; she had on a PINK sweater and leggings with Doc Martins.

"No its fine, it was my fault anyways. I should have been watching where I was going," I respond.

"No no, it was me. I turned the corner so quickly that no one would have seen me to be honest,"

"No but if you insist it was you.." I trail off.

"Here, let me take you out to cof- oh my god your dog is so cute!" She exclaims dropping to the ground to pet Lucy, "what is her name?"

"Lucy, and may I ask you name?"

"Sheyenne Wilkinson, yours?"

"Clarissa Peterson," I noticed she had a camera bag with her, "Young photographer?"

She blushes, "Yeah,"

"Nice, I have a secret love for photography but dance is my passion,"

"Your a dancer? Well now that I think about it, it's quite obvious. You have great posture and a lean but I'm sure firm body," she stops for a second before a look of realization crosses her face, "I need to go, but I'd love to hang out sometime. May I see your phone?"

I hand it to her and she puts her number in and texts herself.

"Now I have yours," she smiles.

We stand there for a bit before she leaves but before she does, she apologizes again for supposedly running into me and I assure her it's fine.

She leaves me with a strange feeling, the kind of feeling I get when I'm around a hot guy but I brushed it off.

Once I get home I tell my mom that I'm going to sleep but instead do a bit of freestyle. Before long I end up being really tired and fall asleep, my dream ending up being about Sheyenne.

Dance Till Dawn (GirlxGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora