Chapter 18 // Stay

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(Ya know, it's super hard to find a good gif of him kissing a girl, sure there are plenty of him kissing guys but whATEVER)

The day that Annie left the hospital was the day where the sun shone the most out of the whole week. It was also the day where Bucky and Annie would move into Steve's complex. The two helped Annie in the wheelchair that was mandatory until they got to the exit. Then, Bucky helped her up and the two held each other, totally forgetting that it was unnecessary, Steve noticed and smiled.

"Do you two believe in the whole soul mates thing?" Steve asked abruptly, as the man driving started up the car.

Even though the question startled Annie, she answered smoothly, Steve taking interest in her answer and Bucky listening intently.

"I believe that there is only one person in the world for everyone, and if you don't have someone, that just means that you haven't found that person yet," Annie answered, taking a quick peak at Bucky's reaction to her response.

"I don't know, but yeah, the whole one person seems about right," Bucky mentioned playing with a loose string on his jacket that he has been wearing for the past week.

The two glanced at each other, both looking away as soon as they caught eye contact.

"Where am I taking you Captain?" The driver asked.

"My complex." Steve replied, sort of going back into Captain mode.

The drive wasn't that long, and Annie was grateful since she was in between the two men that most likely have the biggest muscles in the world and there she was all skin and bones.

/ Annie's P.O.V /

I don't know what to do with myself, with the moving in and helping Bucky and helping myself heal which didn't take long. Bucky saved my life, but he wasn't talking to me, it was like he was pushing himself away from me, as if I would get hurt again because of him, and none of that was true of course. I took it upon myself to figure out why he was treating me the way that he was.

I left my bed, my left arm covering my stomach as I limped down the hall to Bucky's apartment, the rain you could hear pouring down outside. I raised my right hand to knock but it was if he knew I was waiting because the door swiftly opened, revealing a Bucky with a tight white shirt and gray sweatpants with wet hair. He was showering...

/ 3rd Person's P.O.V /

The two stood not saying a word, both shocked, Bucky shocked because he had hoped that she wouldn't want to see him again after the way that he had been treating her, and Annie, she was just shocked that she was thinking about him being in the shower.

"W-What are you doing here?" Bucky asked, hoping to get her to leave as fast as possible.

"We need to talk Barnes, you've been ignoring me," Annie felt a surge of confidence run through her as she stormed into his apartment and sat on a nearby couch waiting for him to follow her lead.

"No I haven't, I've been busy..." He shut the door slowly realizing that she knew what has been going on, but not why.

"That is a lie and you know it James," He winced when she called him that, he remembered a flash of her calling him that and he made sure that he made her call him Bucky.

Snapping out of his flashback, he noticed that she wasn't on the couch anymore, but she was just a few feet away from him, leaning up against the counter waiting for his comeback.

"It's not a lie, Steve gave me a list of things to see to make sure that I got caught up in this century. I've been doing that!" His voice going slightly higher, telling her that he was lying.

Stay // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now