A tree metaphor

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We all start out as a seed,
No one tells us what we are going to be,
We are all born as a certain race,
But it's not the race that tells us what's our place,
People are often judge by their face,
Some people appear and leave without a trace,
What are we,
We are who we want and that's what defines us,
We make choices that set our fate,
None can put us in a crate,
They might tell you that you are a misfit,
But the truth is you fit where you should fit,
You are where you belong,
And when you get where you want,
Plant your roots,
People will try to claim your fruit,
Things you worked hard to get,
You are perfect the way you are,
You are a bright and shining star

LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora