TALATHION - The Message

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It's dark. You feel like your eyes are shut tight but you know differently to that. They are wide open, trying to make sense of the damp surroundings you find yourself in. Deep inside a hellish hole cut roughly into the hillside.

Ignoring your bodies screams to stop, you throw your limp figure forward. Clumsily stumbling further into the shadowy void. Only one thing on your mind, one mission, one goal.

The stench of damp and moss begins to intensify, making your already weak self grow nauseous and collapse on the floor but that doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore except the message.

You must write the message.

You must.

You ABSOLUTELY have to.

Picking yourself up, you bite back another howl of pain and press on. Trying to block out the drops of blood running down your arms and dripping onto the floor, leaving a deathly red trail in its wake.

Suddenly, you put your hands out in front of you to find a wall. The wall.

You've made it.

Looking up, you soak in the marvel, just as the stone ground had soaked up your blood moments before. Still doing so.

Taking the stone chisel out of your pocket and finding a nice hefty rock from the ground, you begin to carve away relentlessly into the wall.

The air grows silent except for the sound of stone on stone and the occasional drip, slowly counting down to the end of your existence but there's still time.

Just keep going.

After countless hours, you have finished. You have finally finished.

You fall back onto the floor, smearing your body in your own dried gore but you don't care. You look back at your final work, your masterpiece. You feel your eyelids start to weaken and close but with your last breath you can't help but take one more look at the message, up there on the wall.

The Specter

The Master

The Guardian

The Outsider

The Stowaway

When these five enter this sacred place, both the heavens and the hells will open. Casting their own minions onto this world. Destroying everything in their path, ending lives, causing bloodshed. This world will be thrown into chaos, a chaos to which they will never truly recover.

And there is nothing they or anyone can do to stop it.

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