TALATHION - (III) Humans Are Not Plants

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"Here we are." Don grinned as he gestured to the large metallic double doors which stood before them. "We've made it."

"Oh thank god!" Beryl breathed out, completely fatigued as she fell back against the stone wall beside the door. "We've been walking for hours."

"And whose fault is that?" Don asks, folding his arms and letting out a slight chuckle. "You're the one who insisted we stop every five minutes for a break."

"Well, if I knew it was this far, I would have suggested every ten minutes." Beryl huffs out before closing her eyes, trying to even out her breathing.

"No matter." Don shrugged and turned back to the door, noticing a guard acting out his early patrol of the perimeter of the city. "We should head inside before the markets open." He tells her.

"You're kidding, right?" She asks before pointing up to the sun. "It's almost right at the top of the sky meaning its almost midday, these 'markets' should already be open. Surely?"

"It's only seven in the morning."

Beryl looked from the sun to Don in disbelief. "Seven? In the morning? Then why is the sun so high up in the sky?"

"It's always this high up at this time of day, it just stays there for a good few hours."

"But the sun was already up when we left, that looked more like a seven o'clock brightness to me."

"We left the cabin at around four." Don pointed out, frowning slightly.

"Four!" Beryl shouted aloud, not fully believe him as the guard which was now standing directly above the double doors into the city was giving her a slight look of disapproval.

"Excuse me, miss. It's still 'before hours', could you please keep your voice down?" The guard asks firmly but politely.

Beryl flashed him an awkward yet apologetic smile before turning back to Don. "Sorry...." She whispered, still smiling awkwardly. "Just, I wasn't expecting it to be so bright that early on in the day."

"You don't seem to expecting many things, do you?" Don watches her closely before gazing back at the door. "I know you're not from this land, if you were, you'd be used to walking such distances. I don't know where you came from so I'll just give you one piece of advice. Expect anything and everything." He advises her before giving the guard a slight nod and pushing open the large metal doors. "You coming or are you going to stay here and hyperventilate out in the baking hot sun?"

"I'm not hyperventilating, I'm getting my energy back." Beryl pants lightly, closing her eyes once more.

"Really? Well I've never known a human to photosynthesise before. I guess there really is a first time for everything." He teased back, earning him a death glare from the teenager of which he just brushed off with another light laugh. "Come on, get in before I really leave you out here."

Beryl sighed slightly to herself before rolling her back off the wall and sticking her hands in her pockets as she wandered inside. Trying not to act conspicuous in front of the guard. Once inside, she laid eyes upon a very spacious and empty court yard. In fact the only things visible were a few unoccupied stalls and another guard on patrol.

"Looks like we made it just in time." Don smiles as some of the citizens began to slowly make their way out of their homes and quietly set up shop, ready for the busy day ahead. With a pat on the back, he began to lead Beryl through the small crowds, smiling and greeting at everyone they passed.

"Wow, it's almost as if you know everybody here." Beryl chuckles in amusement, noticing all the smiling faces.

"That's because I do." He replied simply, leaving Beryl strangely impressed and silent in thought. Grinning inwardly at her lack of speech, he guided her towards the far end of the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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