Golden Eyes

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The day began like any other, Shanks would wake up early, around 6 am to be exact, and prepare for the day ahead of him. He peered down at the small figure sprawled out next to him in the futon, Luffy, sleeping like a log, would mumble something about eating breakfast before turning over. He was cute during times like these when he wasn't jumping around screaming, "I'm going to be King of the Pirates!"

After washing up, Shanks makes sure that Luffy was still sound asleep before slipping into the small kitchen. Although he wasn't the /best/ cook, he somehow managed by following recipes online or even recipes that were taught by the other parents and workers at the elementary school. Shanks meticulously cooks a lavish bento for Luffy to eat every day. Because holy hell, that kid could eat a whole cow and still be hungry. After preparing lunch, he quickly fixed a quick breakfast and goes to wake the raven haired boy up.

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"Come on kid, wake up," the red haired man said, gently shaking the body of the small boy who was still asleep.

Luffy let out a small groan in an attempt to get his dad to stop bothering his sleep. The effort was fruitless; however, as Shanks simply picked up the boy, carried him to the bathroom sink, and splashed the youngin's face with cold water.

After a brutal battle with the stubborn kid and sorting everything out, Shanks and Luffy walked out their decent sized apartment hand-in-hand. Shanks dropped off Luffy to the kindergarten before making his way to the elementary school he worked at. The distance wasn't too bad so if any emergency came up, the man could easily run over to see his son.

On the topic of boys, Shanks was told that there would be a new boy transferring into his class that day. He moved from the country-side with his father after his parents split. What was his name again? Zoro? Nevertheless, Shanks was always more than happy to welcome new kids into his class.

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"Good morning class!"

"Good morning, Mr. Red Hair!"

Shanks's eyes quickly scanned over the room, making sure none of his kids were absent. Whilst taking roll, there was a noticeably bright green haired boy sitting next to Law. He must be the new kid that the staff told him about.

"You must be the new kid. Why don't you come up here and introduce yourself to the class?"

The bright green haired boy's attention broke away from the window to the teacher. After a brief moment of silence, the boy slowly stood up straight and faced the class.

"My name's Zoro and I'm going to be the best kendo fighter Japan has ever seen."

A quiet murmur circulated around the class when the boy made such a bold statement. Shanks couldn't help but smile at the boy's daring demeanor. He was almost exactly like his own son, Luffy. Maybe they would get along great as friends. Afterwards, Zoro sat back down in his chair and seemed to strike up a conversation with Law. Well now that that was all done and over with, the red-haired man continued on with his day and proceeded to teach the class.

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The bell rang signaling that the school day was over. The soft melody of the chimes resonated around the classroom as the kids packed up their belongings and filed out of the class. After the class was empty, Shanks locked up the class and started walking towards the front of the school. As he turned the first corner, he crossed paths with Zoro. The boy's eyebrows were furrowed as he looked left and right, almost as if he were lost.

"Hey Zoro, you alright? Do you need help with anything?"

"...Do you know which way the exit is?"

"Oh! So from here you make a right at the end of this hall and keep walking straight."

"Thanks old man!"

As Shanks was about to say something, Zoro dashed off down the hall. Except instead of turning right, he made a sharp left. There's no way a kid couldn't understand directions as simple as that, Shanks thought to himself. Maybe he had gotten distracted by something. The man continued walking towards the exit and turned to see if Zoro was in the hallway. He wasn't. A wave of doubt washed over the teacher as he began to worry. How is that even possible? Where could he have even gone? There was nothing in that direction besides the opening to the yard. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt something press into his back.


It was Zoro.

"My bad, sorry old man."

"Zoro, are you lost?"


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In the end, Zoro and Shanks walked to the exit together.

"So kendo huh?"

"Yeah, Mihawk teaches me everything I need to know. He's the best kendo fighter I know, he might even be the best in the whole world! And one day I'm going to beat him and become the best."

The man smiled at the aspirations that the kid had and how enthusiastic when talking about his dreams. Who's this Mihawk? His sensei? Before he could ask any questions, Zoro once again dashed off. Except this time he seemed to be running towards a man. Must be his dad.

Well now that that was over--

"Good afternoon."

This was the first time Shanks encountered the man. The man named Dracule Mihawk.

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AN: gAGS so corny i'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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