Chapter 1 - Banished From Hell

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"Alright, I've accidentally snuck in water into the underworld, so what? It doesn't mean I have to stay on this heaven for this long. Jeez, isn't my father such an idiot? He even has to change my name? How cruel, huh?"

I'd scratch the back of my neck to adjust my hair to stop touching the collar of my black suit and catch my black and white hat before it falls to the ground. I place my hand in my pockets as I walk along the cracked cement ground beneath me, all the way around the town. My stomach grumbling as I clench it, squeezing it tight while walking all the way to the bar. Around the town, there are a few houses; most of them empty and some of them bought, but never used. Abandoned asylums surround the town in random areas of the forest, and rumors spread that vampires built a little base in the ground. Exactly where the devils used to hide.

I swing the door open and walk into the bar, groaning all the way to the bar counter. A young man would greet me.

"Hello Sir, what would you like?"

I'd look up at him; my red eyes glowing. The young bartender would take a step back out of fear, before getting back up to the counter. My black aura would suddenly appear, making him frightened even a bit more.

"Well, good day gentleman." I'd say, smiling devilishly.

From my parents, they always said I was 'devilishly charming' and that I could attract one or two succubuses in the future, but I'm not really interested in such demons.

"Do you happen to have a lighter?" I'd ask. Glaring.

"Uh...of course sir, yes sir." 

The young bartender would tremble as he placed down a lighter in front of me. Then he would quickly bolt his hand back behind the counter. 

"S-sir, you r-r-really shouldn't smoke..." He would say, stuttering.

I hiss at him.

Demons like me tend to get pissed at humans who assume we do such drugs. 

I'd glare at him while grabbing the lighter. I make a little fire then put my mouth over it. The lighter and the fire disappears into thin air. My father said that eating fire would do good, so of course I did. I'm not that bad.

"S-s-sir, that w-would be 7 d-dollars..." The bartender would yap.

I place down 17 coins. 

"Keep the change." I say. 

Instead of the young bartender being grateful, he watches me in fright while I walk out of the bar door. 

While walking back to the forest, my aura slowly dies out. I continue walking on the pavement, until I hear creaking of a rusty swing next to me. I'd turn that way and find a little girl and a tall boy. I'd walk across the road and stand there, watching as the boy would suddenly look my way and the girl would follow after. They both decide to approach me.

"Oh, so someone's brave enough to come up to me for once." I'd smirk.

Demons often stalk human beings who they find interesting. They don't even have to be human.

The little girl would hide behind the tall boy's back. Her face tense and the boy's face, strangely calm.

"Stop watching us, little boy." He'd say to me.

"Little boy?" I raise an eyebrow. "You're calling me a little boy?" 

I don't get irritated easily at people like this, but I do like scaring them off.

My black aura comes back and surround me, thicker than it has ever done before. The little girl who was once behind the tall boy's back would throw something at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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