signs as stereotypical teens

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Aries: The aggressive and competitive kid who is always looking for a fight or an argument.

Taurus: The Girl who looks very innocent and sweet but can kill you if you steal her food! ( a secret ninja )

Gemini: The Over-excited kid who is very bright and smart. Always frantic and overly stressed...

Cancer: The kid who always helps everyone. Soo sweet and and cute that no one can get mad at them!

Leo: The popular/jock. Over-confident kid who everyone looks up too. Probably a player...

Virgo: The nerdy but sarcastic girl who is always with her books. Loves to observe things quietly.

Libra: The popular girl who is everyone's friend. Knows all gossip around the town.

Scorpio: The mysterious and scary kid in the corner who no one dares to talk to...

Sagittarius: The rich spoiled brat who throws the best parties ever! Cool guy...

Capricorn: The class prefect/ monitor who is extremely smart and serious. Very Practical...

Aquarius: The outcast/ emo. Crazy when you get to know them!!

Pisces: The lost clumsy girl who is interested in her own world. Sorta cute tho

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