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Nobody was going to go into details about what exactly happened but. Let's just say that Chase and Rocky ended up getting out of a sticky situation. The two officers got in the squad car, leaving the whole experience behind. There was a very long and uncomfortable silence between the two as they patrolled the city. After about 15 minutes of slow silent driving. Chase finally spoke up. "Are you okay?" He asked in an almost humiliated voice. Rocky took a deep breath. "How could you ask that?" Rocky asked in a dark tone. Chase placed a hand on his shoulder and another on the steering wheel. "Rocky... Nobody has to know about this." Chase stated. Rocky shot back quick. "It's not like that!" He paused. "I've never been through anything like that. Ever. God, I can't believe I just did that." Chase put both hands back on the wheel.

There was another silence. Then Rocky spoke again. "Chase." He paused yet again "Chase, I did it for you." He said eyes almost watering. Rocky thought about every little thing that happened, And the more he thought about it, the more filthy he felt. He felt as if he were too unclean for Chase. Chase pressed on the breaks slowly, until the car stopped. Chase stared at his companion. "What do you mean, for me?" Chase asked. Rocky stared for a while, thinking about what he would say, as this simple statement would change the way they interact forever. 

Rocky cleared his throat. "Chase, I feel a way about you that I could never explain. When I see you, I blush, When I'm around you, I stumble. And when I look into your eyes, all I see is happiness, security, and trust. I care so much about you. And I can't ever tell you this kind of stuff because every time I try, I end up doing something idiotic and stupid."

Chase stared at him. They then stared at each other for a while. Until Chase grabbed Rocky's muzzle, and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Connecting his lips with the other males, happy. Happy was the other word that could describe how the two felt at this moment.

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