~Chapter 1~

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Hi guys its Mahdiya this is my first story I hope you enjoy‼️💗
"Frozenpaw!" Hissed silver paw. "Wake up! We got training and Mudfang is waiting for us!" Frozenpaw got up and stretched "OK then let's go!" Mewed Frozenclaw. The two apprentices trotted out of the apprentice's den and headed to the owl tree. "I except you two to be early for training" growled Mudfang. "Sorry Mudfang Frozenpaw had trouble waking up." Said Silverpaw looking at Frozenpaw angrily. "I slept in" mewed Frozenpaw quietly. "Well it does not matter because today we are just going to hunt." "Hunt?" Meowed Silverpaw looking at Frozenpaw "yes you heard me hunt now go I will meet you at Timberclan camp." The two cats looked at each other and then ran off to the tall pine trees. "Let's split up you go north and I will go south." Silverpaw nodded and ran off. As he left Frozenpaw walked down and sniffed fresh-kill. She soon saw a young female rabbit hopping up and down. "Fresh-kill!" Purred Frozenpaw quietly. She got on her haunches and got on her hunting position and licked her lips and then darted for the rabbit she got it her mouth then dropped it and bit its neck so it could stop breathing. The rabbit stopped moving and then Frozenpaw dropped it on the forest floor and dug a hole so she could get it back later. After her hunting trip she and Silverpaw brought mice, rabbits and birds. "These youngsters are excellent hunters!" Shouted  Ashcloud. "All in a day's work!" Purred Silverpaw proudly. "Frozenpaw and Silverpaw!" Growled Mudfang. "Yeah?" Mewed Silverpaw. "Cloudstar wants to see you." The two cats look at each other proudly and raced to the Leader's den. As they came in they saw cloudstar, Greysparkle and Cherrykit. "Oh my goodness!" Cried Frozenpaw "It's Cherrykit!."Cloudstar got up and greeted the two cats. "I have been expecting you two" "Frozenpaw, Silverpaw!" Purred Cherrykit. "We're looking after this little kit until her mummy and daddy come back." Mewed Greysparkle. "blossomheart and Falconclaw are gone for a hunting trip." The two cats smiled at each other then sat down."oh yeah you apprentices are getting your warrior names!" The both cat jumped up and down and raced out of the den."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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